
Thursday, August 20, 2020

Four Patch Posies Flimsy

Four Patch Posies
It's a flimsy!
50 x 60

This UFO is so old I can't even see where I ever blogged about starting it. I forgot it even existed because I have had a blog tab with UFOs listed for several years and these Four Patch Posies is not listed.  In April I blogged about finding some blocks and fabric in a big manila envelope.  One of the selvages on one of the fabrics has the year 2005. 

Well, it's an old UFO that is now a top. 
I will move forward and find a backing and get it quilted and donated. 


  1. This is a really clever quilt top. Obviously I read the title but initially thought it was made of 4 patch blocks using larger floral squares. It was only when I looked closer that I realised each “larger “ square was actually a 4 patch. It’s fabulous. The colours and fabrics are beautiful.

  2. This is gorgeous! It almost has a 3-D effect on my monitor.
    xx, Carol

  3. It looks great and it's now a top, congrats on all you get done. BTW- I'd love for you too share your husbands Tomato jam recipe of his Dads. Thanks

  4. It is very pretty! I'd love to see the original fabric those center blocks came from.

  5. Very nice! I went back to read the post where you wrote about finding the blocks. I remember the Twirla blocks but I don't recall these at all. (Heck, why would I try to keep track of what's in your stash when my own provides enough distraction?)

  6. Your quilt top came together SEW nicely, but did you REALLY have to remind me that my own 4-Patch Posies are waiting to be assembled?!?! I haven't seen those quilt blocks since I was working on my Decrapification Project 4 years ago.

  7. Beautiful fabrics and cute design! Did you start out with large floral prints to fussy cut?

  8. Love it! Do you remember if you used a single or multiple fabric(s) for the posies. This is one of my favorite techniques.

  9. Someone did a lot of careful fussy cutting to achieve this unique beauty. Wonderful use of the multitude of prints.

  10. I love this layout of the blocks! Glad these bubbled up to the surface so you could move them into such a pretty piece :)

  11. Love the fabrics. Isn't it funny how things just pop up that we had forgotten about?

  12. There you go waving that magic wand again! Conjuring up pretty quilts out of fresh air and dreams!

  13. I've made a number of four patch posy quilts. The blocks, while not as dramatic as stack and whack blacks or one block wonders, are definitely easier to make. What I found previewing the various block possibilities the best part, while actually sewing them together less interesting. I think I even have several cuts of fabrics I bought with the intention of making four patch posies that haven't made it to the finish line (or even the starting gate) yet.

  14. Gorgeous! Congrats on moving it forward.


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