
Friday, January 17, 2020

Strings and Scraps, Snakes and Snails, Sugar and Spice

 Four new small tops to add to the mole hill  mountain of tops that need to be quilted. 

 This one is made of quarter log cabins and 2 inch scraps. 

In December I received a small box of scraps and some blocks. There were 21 Quarter Log Cabin blocks that were about 8 inch square unfinished. They all appeared to start with a 3.5 inch aqua square surrounded by 2 inch scraps.  I later found some starter squares were four inches or so so I trimmed them all to 8 inch square usually trimming the starter square to 3.5 inches.  There were also three blocks of that 21 that were missing one side. I added a 2 x 8 inch scrap from my 2 inch scrap bin and made sure those blocks were also 8 inch square with the aqua starter square trimmed to 3.5 inches.  I then made 3 more blocks from my own scraps so I had a total of twenty-four eight inch square blocks.  Then I decided I wanted the blocks to be close to 10 inches because most of the small donation quilts I make measure 40 x 60  and that's easy to do with 10 inch blocks.   That meant I needed to add two more rounds to the blocks.  My 2 inch scrap bin didn't have enough long lengths in it for 2 rounds so I decided to cut what was in there for the outside round.  I went to my scrap chunks and found some aqua pieces and cut those for the first additional round I needed to add. 
 I originally thought I would join four blocks together with all four aqua squares together in the center but that didn't look right to me when I started down that road. I ended up setting them like a stair step and was surprised when the aqua strips I added to the blocks joined up perfectly with the aqua starter squares.  That was a happy accident. I think this definitely flows now. 
40 x 60
 I made these blocks back in December.   I used paper for the foundation so this month I finally trimmed the blocks and removed the papers and assembled the top.  These 10 inch (finished) blocks all came from my string bin.  I used black strings for the centers and bright for the rest. 
 This is another top that came out of the string bin. And, again, blocks were made in December and this month finally trimmed, papers removed and blocks assembled for a top that measures 40 x 60. 
 For these 10 inch (finished) blocks I used pink for the center string, brown strings went on both sides of the center pink, then I added more pink strings and finally finished off the blocks with browns. 
 This Wonky Log Cabin also came out of the string bin and used mostly skinny and shorter strings in red, white and blue. It measures 36  x 54. 
 I made these 24 blocks in December too. I originally thought I would make 48 of these 9 inch finished blocks so I would end up with a larger top. I trimmed the blocks since they were in the same pile as the string blocks and assembled them into a top forgetting my original thought that I would make more blocks. I remembered my original thought this morning when I saw the quilts hanging on the line and noticed this Wonky Log Cabin was smaller than the rest.  But this size is still okay for donation if I ever get it quilted. 


  1. so many quilt tops! I have to get busy and use my strings sometime - and one day I hope I will but too many things going on at the moment

  2. lots of lovely eye candy....never saw a string quilt i didn't love...even if it's log!

  3. Beautiful flimsies--I love your string blocks, favorite kind of sewing for scrappy happy-ness...hugs, Julierose

  4. These are all wonderful, now it's time to get to quilting young lady, LOL Easy for me to say, the one that I'm quilting is one I made 35 years. Please don't let yourself wait as long as I did :)
    Happy quilting.
    P.S. They look so pretty hanging out on the clothes line :)

  5. Always love your clothes line pictures. All great quilts, you can’t beat strings!

  6. Can't go wrong with a strippy quilt! The pink/purple/gold one is my favorite here.:)

  7. String blocks are so useful for using up scraps & turning them into a interesting quilt. Great effort...xox

  8. I have some string blocks that need to be finished. You have inspired me to get busy!

  9. You have been busy. Great job using scraps and strings!

  10. You're off to a great start for the new year! Love those scrappy, stringy quilts!

  11. You never disappointment me! Love all of them. Thanks for sharing your process. I know it takes extra time for you to do that but it is nice to see other people's journey of their quilt making.

  12. You have been busy and your tops are so pretty and colorful. I need to get busy and make some tops so I can have scraps to use, lol.
    xx, Carol

  13. You were very busy in December playing with strings. I like the way the single color used in the center of each string block creates a framing of sorts. I see a marathon quilting session in your future.

  14. Wow so many quilt tops, and beautiful too. The quarter log cabin is my favorite. It is great how the aquas worked out!

  15. Even though it is the smallest, I like the RWB wonky logs the best. You're inspiring me to give that block a go :)

  16. You are SEW productive, and the most I do is sit here are read loads of quilt blogs!

  17. I'm laughing at myself. When I saw the quarter-square blocks I thought, "Oh, those would be interesting to try." Then I looked closer -- I recognize those fabrics and those combinations. You put them to good use!

  18. What a great assortment of quilt tops!! I love them! Will you hand quilt them all? that wonky log cabin... I love those quilts like that!


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