
Monday, August 5, 2019

It's A Finish! Puss in the Corner

Puss in the Corner
40  x 60

Ready for giving or gifting. 

 Puss in the Corner blocks with Pusses in the Center
I made the top last year along with several others when I had an attack of Cat Scrap Fever. 

 It is quilted with spirals on my DSM in neutral thread. 
There's some very large polka dots on the back.

This was my goal #13 for Q3 Finish-Along


  1. Cute quilt with such a fun back. Congratulations on another wonderful finish. You are a champ to quilt while the weather is so hot.

  2. Such cheerful blocks! The HSTs in the corners are a nice variation on regular happy blocks.

  3. I love it. It’s beautiful. You have a good eye for color.

  4. Very cute, colorful quilt! Somebody is going to love this one! I am surprised that you are quilting in this heat, unless of course it isn't as hot there as it is here.

  5. This is my favorite kind of kids quilt, using bright primary colors and a good-sized middle block to show off novelty fabrics. I did one using churn dash with children's book characters as the center blocks for the grandson of one of my library staff members. It was a big hit and now lives in New Zealand.

  6. What a great quilt. Those puss in the corner blocks are super, a child will love looking at all the different pussy cats. Love the red and white polka dot backing.

  7. Cat scratch fever! You crack me up! This one came out so cute. This will make some kid so happy. Sandy at

  8. No wonder you're bringing the new members into Sunshine in droves! Such inspiring, fun finishes lately. You know I love a good novelty print quilt :)

  9. Wow! Lots of impact with this one! Someone's going to enjoy this one to death! That backing is an awesome choice.:)

  10. So cute! You’re going to cause us all to get Cat Scrap Fever!

  11. Very bright and fun! Congrats on the finish.

  12. My daughter would love this with all the cats. I enjoy the bright color palette. Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2019 global FAL hosts.


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