
Saturday, June 15, 2019

And Another Finish!

 Butterfly Happy Blocks
A donation quilt
40 x 60
 Happy Blocks with 6.5 inch centers and 2.5 inch sides.   Some of these centers were from swaps and some of the blocks were swapped years ago. 
 I have accumulated a variety of  centers and Happy Blocks in different themes, sizes, colors over the years.  Every once in awhile I dig around in that Happy Place for completed blocks and centers that fit some kind of theme and then make enough additional blocks for desired size of  quilt.  Last year I made two sport themed tops and this butterfly top. This is the last of those three Happy Block quilts to get finished.  Must be time to dig around in there and make a few more tops. I will probably have to replenish my tone on tones and solids first. 

Sunshine Online Quilt Guild (SOQG) has been holding a retreat June 12 - 15 in Mendota, MN.  I'm sewing along at home.  We make quilts for kids around the world. We donate to two programs: Wrap a Smile and Quilts Beyond Borders. Quilts go to kids, teens, and adults undergoing cleft palate surgery and to under-served children, often in orphanages, worldwide.

The backing was pieced with some old floral calico and some backing trimmings from other quilts.  And once again I quilted it on my DSM with flowers and leaves. 



  1. that looks like a nice easy quilt to make!

  2. Wow! Where on Earth did you find so many butterfly prints? Congrats! on ANOTHER fun finish.

  3. A really pretty Butterfly Happy Blocks quilt. Those butterfly fabrics are great - so much for the recipient to look at.

  4. Those butterflies are really pretty! Wish I could get as much quilting done as you do every day! ---"Love"

  5. You have been on a finishing roll lately. All of them have been colorful and happy - perfect for giving :)

  6. Congratulations on your butterfly quilt finish, beautiful, front and back.


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