
Friday, May 3, 2019

The Blues. The Finish.

The Blues
It's a finish! 
60 x 80

It's out in the fog this morning. 

Last year I made an effort to use my string scraps and ended up with several tops.   This quilt came out of the light blue and gray assortment of strings.   I used a consistent center strip for the center of the blocks which was not a scrap. It was a fabric my husband wanted me to buy several years ago because he loved it. I wasn't that fond of it so it's been laying around in the sewing room for quite some time waiting for a project. 

I used newspaper as the foundation for these ten inch blocks.

 I quilted it on my DSM with some four petaled flowers and leaves in a variegated blue thread on top and white in the bobbin. 

 I've really been trying for consistency of space when I've been quilting.  The spiral center in the flowers allowed me to exit out of the flower in any direction and the addition of leaves allowed me to fill in any spaces where I didn't leave enough room for a flower.  

I used a flannel sheet from the thrift store as the backing. And I had enough of that fabric my husband loved for the binding. 

I finished up sewing the binding down and was folding it up for the donation pile when my husband asked if the quilt was for him. (He hardly ever notices when I finish another quilt and he's never asked if it was his). No, he didn't recognize that fabric I used for the center strips and binding. When I reminded him he picked it out several years ago he said he knew there was something about the quilt he really liked. 



  1. So funny that your husband was eyeing the quilt, thinking it was for him. Did he take it? This one appealed to me, too, because of the soft blue coloring. Speaking of the blues, I began thinking of a female guitarist, Joanne Shaw Taylor. You can listen here:

  2. Sounds like this one was destined for him! I like all those blues, too - and your quilting looks great!

  3. Your "Blues" quilt is gorgeous :)

  4. Congratulations on another beautiful finish!
    How long did it take you to machine quilt it?

  5. Thats funny that he liked your quilt! Nice that you listened to him when he wanted you to buy the hubby avoids patchwork shops! Even nicer that you finished a great quilt using up strings and stash, looks fantastic.

  6. Soft blues, cute fabrics.
    This gets 10 stars on the snuggleworthiness scale :-)

  7. What a beautiful blue quilt - my favorite color! The flannel backing should make it extra cozy too. I was also wondering how long it took you to machine quilt this one. Does the flannel make it hard to quilt?

  8. I love that blue quilt! The center cross-ways stripe makes a beautiful sashing look for it; it makes the quilt sing a beautiful song. ---"Love"

  9. I always think I don't like blue -- but this quilt! I love this blue quilt! What a beautiful mix of blues. I think it's amazing that you husband wanted you to buy fabric because he liked it. I doubt my husband would ever do such a thing. Lucky you! (Of course, luckier if you liked the fabric he chose!)

  10. Beautiful quilt! What a great feeling when your husband wants one of your creations! I haven't had that happen to me yet but I've been making mostly girly quilts so understandable. :)

  11. Fabulous! And very unique. So cool that your husband claimed it for himself!

  12. Your quilt has a soothing calm effect, perfect gift. I had never though of using newspaper for the foundation. Did the ink come off on your pieces? I just made a similar quilt, but used unbleached muslin for the foundation, and boy is that thing heavy.

  13. Always love to see a string quilt, congrats on your finish!

  14. OH, how funny. I do hope you told him "yes, of course this quilt is for you."

  15. I'm delighted he claimed the quilt! I was going to ask you if you were going to present it to him since you used "his" fabric for it!

  16. Haha! It was meant to be! I love your blue strings and use of a constant center strip; a great way to use up an old fugly fabric that has been lounging too long. Just a great quilt all around!!

  17. Lovely! That constant centre strip creates a subtle structure and I really like the way the rest of the blues all merge in together a lot.

  18. I love the story of the blue quilt (it's beautiful) and how it popped into your husband's radar. I hope he got to keep it. My husband is not a quilt appreciator too much. I would love it if he would gush over one of mine.

  19. How nice that your husband wanted to claim the quilt. I can't imagine that you didn't say yes. It looks cozy, soft and cuddly.

  20. I love the blue scraps making up this quilt! I suppose the recipient was meant to be.
    Thank you for participating in the FAL!


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