
Monday, April 22, 2019

Log Cabins in the Woods Finished!

 Log Cabins in the Woods
It's a finish! 
45 x 63

This was originally going to be a donation quilt but now I'm kind of eyeing it for the camper.  
 Last year I made an effort to use my boxes of strings. This is one of two that came from the green and brown sort of strings.   
 I made little 3 inch log cabins for the Wonky Log Cabin centers.
 Then surrounded them with green and brown strings. 

I differentiate between strings and strips. 

I don't cut strings. They just happen.  If I cut a strip off of yardage I call that piece a strip, not a string. My strings come from trimming quilt backs or from the very end of a piece of fabric that is less than 1.5 inches in width or it may come from a strip I cut wonky because the ruler moved or it may be the leftover end of a strip.    I consider selvages a type of string. 

This quilt was made from strings and not strips.  In other words I don't usually cut anything from yardage to make a string quilt. I just use the string scraps from the string box. I have a tab at the top of my blog for a page of some of the quilts I've made in the past. 

The binding came from the string box too - light and dark green quilt back trimmings (strings))  that were more than 2.5 inches wide were cut for bindings and if there was any width left that was over 1 inch it went back into the string box.  I machine stitched down the binding with blanket stitch. 

A soft pea green (or is it olive green? - pic is very dark, I know) sheet was used for the backing.  And, yes, the trimmings went back into the string box. 

Batting was pieced with wide zig zag stitches. 

Of course a log cabin in the woods needs some leaves so I quilted in some with variegated green thread. 


  1. It's a great quilt. The colors blend so perfectly. You have a knack for visual art.
    xx, Carol

  2. Looks like a perfect quilt for the camper to me!

  3. Heavens... another quilt finished! I love it, perfect for camping in the woods.

  4. Yes; perfect for your camper. The strings work so well. I like how the little cabins look wonky although they are all sewed from the same template. Just shows how strings amplify the design. Congratulations!

  5. What a darling quilt! And I LOOOOOVE that leaf quilting!,,

  6. I really like that with the logs around the houses. I think I just might have the scraps to do that!

  7. Oh, this quilt is definitely a keeper! What a fabulous woodsy village!
    Love it!

  8. I enjoyed reading about your strips vs strings distinction. Under your system, I have no strings. Skinny pieces are cut to a particular size and go into my strips boxes by color. Anything less than an inch wide goes into my crumbs box. So strips and crumbs, no strings! It's interesting to me how everyone thinks about their scraps :)

  9. Congratulations on your Log Cabins in the woods, lots of fun.
    Your quilting is great, fits perfect.
    I saw your Easter photo in your previous blog, very wonderful trip down
    memory lane. Thanks for sharing.

  10. Love it! And I think this is perfect for a camper!


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