
Thursday, August 2, 2018

It's a Finish! Salmagundi Road

 Salmagundi Road
89 x 89
Quilted on my DSM
 This was inspired by a vintage quilt.  
You can read about that and more on my previous post in April when I finished the top. 
 I just did some simple horizontal, vertical and diagonal line quilting following (for the most part) along the lines of some parts of the quilt. 
 It hasn't been washed and dried so it will get a little crinklier with shrinkage when that happens. I just have a wringer washer (I'm not complaining. I actually enjoy doing laundry) but it is difficult to get enough water out of it to put it in the dryer and I don't want to hang it on the line that wet so I'll take it  and several other large quilts to the laundromat one of these days. 

This is one I'll rotate and use on our bed. Our old farm house is mostly heated by a wood stove and sometimes that goes out on a cold winter night (again, not complaining...) so it's nice to hunker down under a pile of quilts when that happens. Of course then we never want to get out of bed and start the fire. 
I used the same fabric for the binding as I used for the sashing but I didn't have quite enough... I grabbed a long scrap of a brown fabric from the 2.5 inch scrap bin. 

And the backing was a solid brown thrift store sheet.  A great bargain at $2.50. 



  1. I like the way some blocks show the X and some the +. Really pretty!

  2. Woo Hoo! Another colorful, beautiful quilt :) I notice you use sheets for backings a lot. The local massage therapist has gifted me with some high quality, very soft sheets that are frayed on the edges. Would you be interested in any? There are some nice green and eggplant ones. Let me know, I'd be more than happy to send them to you :) I hate to see them get thrown out so I've accumulated more than I can use.

  3. You astonish me with the number of finishes!! This one is a beauty and I know you'll love having it on your bed.

  4. What a yummy finish, reds and yellows and golds, my favorite colors! There was certainly no need to do anything fancy with the quilting, the charm and focus of this quilt is in all those wonderfully colorful blocks. Enjoy using this one!

  5. What a beautiful those colors...nice work on this hugs, Julierose

  6. This quilt is singing. Love it.

  7. I really like your quilt and all the fabrics you have in it. Wow, that was a big one too! Congratulations on the finish.

  8. Another beautiful quilt! I count 28 so far this year. Do you happen to know what your record is for the number of quilts completed in a year?

  9. Congrats on another great finish! I really love this one!

  10. I am so in love with this quilt! The movement, energy and warm, lovely colors of it. I think it must be what inspired me in the color choices for the quarter circles applique blocks I'm working on!

  11. Absolutely fabulous. This will brighten up a cold winter bedroom - and keep you warm too!

  12. I love this quilt, just love it. The colours are so warm and appealing and it has such energy too.

  13. I've loved watching this quilt come together, block by block. And now it's a gorgeous finish! The colors are so warm and inviting, perfect for winter snuggling. Congrats on a big and lovely finish!

  14. Well done. A great finish. The colours look warm and lovely.

  15. Another beauty! I hate washing my oversized king size quilt cause it has cotton batting. It gets so heavy and it's so hard to get it to dry in the dryer. We aren't allowed to have clothes lines. I grew up in a home heated by a wood and coal. It is hard to get out of bed in the am when it's so warm under your quilt. I have to say I don't miss those days but it did make me appreciate things.

  16. What a glorious finish, Cathy. I'm delighted you're keeping this. On those cold winter nights, these warm colors will surely raise the temperature a few degrees. Congratulations.

  17. Great finish and congratulations!
    Thanks for sharing your photos.

  18. I adore this quilt! So happy and cuddly!
    You'll enjoy it this winter, I'm sure!

  19. What a colorful delightful quilt.

  20. Beautiful! I really like the thin sashing.

  21. Oh, what an excellent quilt! The sashing is perfect to give your eye a 'break' and discover all the fun fabrics and colors in the blocks. Love it!

  22. This is a showcase. I just love looking at it!


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