
Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Blind Man's Fancy Tea in the Rose Garden - Four More

Yesterday I posted about finishing all 25 blocks of Blind Man's Fancy in civil war reproductions.   Today I'm posting about finishing up four more Blind Man's Fancy blocks but this time in rose and tea themed fabrics.  This makes a total of twelve fifteen inch blocks - 13 more to go. 

Not sure why I started a second Blind Man's Fancy before I finished the first...oh yeah...I found my box of rose themed fabrics had some mildew in them and so I had to soak and wash them all.  You remember seeing them on the clothesline earlier this year, right?  Well, I decided I had better do something with the roses because when I stop to smell the roses I don't want to smell mildew. 

I'm itching to get back to the scraps now...or am I burning because I just pulled a nasty patch of stinging nettle? 


  1. The rose & tea fancy blocks are so different mood wise from the Civil War blocks but I love them both!

  2. I love the name for this one! And, if you have Jewel Weed in your yard that is supposed to be the antidote for nettles. At least that is what I've always heard.

  3. I agree, they are both beautiful.
    Amazing work, I enjoy watching the progress.

  4. Love the roses, too! Makes me want to start buying up rose-themed prints!

  5. Love the rose patterned blocks, pretty subtle colours. Stinging nettles hurt - and the sting lasts for a long time. Here in the UK we use dock leaves as an antidote and strangely in the countryside you usually find some growing beside the stinging nettles, ready to use!

  6. lovely fabrics you have used to make these delights

  7. Hi there, long time no talk! I am making the vintage Butterfly quilt, is there some secret way to do the paper pieced units? Do I cut the pattern in two pieces to get the long black strip down the middle? Help!

  8. I love these blocks in rose fabrics, so pretty! I can see you are having fun changing your colour values slightly too!

  9. Your CW blocks are pretty, but I like these best! (And it always astonishes me how many rose prints there are!)


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