
Saturday, August 26, 2017

Selvage Yard is Finished!

Selvage Yard
84 x 84

I used a big bag of selvages in this quilt I've been saving for years but probably have two more quilts like this in the bag.   

I used some 4.5 inch scraps of sewing themed novelties for the centers. 

I made 12 inch wonky log cabin blocks. 

I used an old sheet from the thrift store for the backing and some triangle fabric for the binding. I quilted in spirals  on the diagonal using a white thread in the light areas and a darker thread in the dark areas.   I hand stitched around the center squares and didn't machine quilt in those areas. 
I had to rip out about 1/3 of the machine quilting because of some wrinkles. Then I tried again and had to rip out about a 1/3 of that quilting because of wrinkles again.  Third time is supposed to be the charm but wasn't.   So, I still have wrinkles.

I'm used to living with wrinkles so I guess that's okay.  If you don't see them they don't exist.  Right?


  1. this is incredible--I just love it!! How in the world do you get so many quilts done??? It takes me forever and a day, it seems...;{{{
    You are so creative in your use of fabric--amazing hugs, Julierose

  2. What a great quilt! Love your name Selvage Yard, very clever! I agree with Julierose, always amazed at how many quilts you turn out.

  3. Wow! This quilt is amazing, wrinkles and all. Love it!!

  4. I totally agree with the above comments! I have a question. When you cut the selvages of your fabrics, how deep into your fabric do you cut? Do you cut and save every selvage you cut off? The quilt certainly is unique; I love it! ---"Love"

  5. What a perfect name for your beauty!!!!

  6. What a beauty. I am still saving my selvages so I can create something special.

  7. Great quilt, love log cabins, but fun to have with selvedges included. I think that wrinkles are acceptable. The reason could be that selvedges have a different stretch/weave is tighter to normal fabric = tension issues? Honestly I have no idea, but figured if you have tried three times you have done your best!

  8. Your quilt names always crack me up - and they're always so very very appropriate!
    And I'd say that if something isn't fixed by three tries, then it's supposed to be that way. I'll bet all selvage quilts have wrinkles. (It's a good story, anyway.)

  9. A lovely quilt, wrinkles and all! And I love the name, just perfect!

  10. Frustrating about the wrinkles, but like you say, if you can't see them, it's okay!! Love this quilt. Such a great way to use up selvages. Really wonderful to see this one all finished!

  11. I really love this quilt and really love the name too! Like others have said, I am always amazed at how many quilts you finish. Are you keeping this one for yourself?

  12. I was wondering and forgot to ask what type of batting you used and if this quilt is more stiff than the average quilt. Also, except for the wrinkling, was it difficult to quilt through the selvages? Thanks Cathy.

  13. Oh, are you supposed to rip out the wrinkles? I've just been skipping directly to the "the wrinkles are OK" stage. Selvage Yard looks great...such a classic log cabin design, made extra special with the fun selvages. I love that you used sewing theme centers.

  14. Congratulations. This looks so much better than the selvedge quilt I made. It almost makes me want to try again. (Get thee behind me, Satan.)

  15. This is wonderful !!! Can you give a little more direction , maybe a tutorial link , as to how you did this ? How much extra fabric do you leave on the selvage when you cut it off ? Looks like you may have saved both salvage edges even the side without any words ? I have been saving selvage but don't have a clue where to start . Thank you Janita

  16. That's a lot of selvages! Love the final result, wrinkles and all!

  17. I love it! Using sewing fabrics as the center of the squares is cool as well.

  18. Wow--what an amazing quilt--love it! I've been saving selvages for ages, but have yet to use them--your quilt is an inspriration!

  19. Absolutely gorgeous! A great way of using selvedges. My mum always says her wrinkles just show that's she's laughed a lot! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.


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