
Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Dwindling of the Yellow 3.5 Scraps

I didn't have many yellow scraps to use up this month in any size, shape or form.   I really was short on 3.5 inch yellow scraps.    I made a few Glitter (from Quilt Lovely by Jen Kingwell) blocks... 

...and a few six inch bow ties and even fewer 3 inch snowballs. 

Looking forward to a new Rainbow Scrap Challenge color to use in July. 


  1. 3" snowballs - now those are small ones! I usually make 6 and even 8 inch ones! Your Glitter blocks are pretty.

  2. I have to say it again - love the glitter blocks. Thanks for providing a source for them. You sure made good use of all the different sized scraps in your blocks this month.

  3. Great job using up those yellows. Your blocks are looking great.

  4. It's good to be using up scraps! Fun to see the different yellow fabrics you have! I'm ready for a new color, too.

  5. Your bow tie blocks are cute, and I really do like your glitter blocks. I've never made those, but I will someday. ---"Love"

  6. Yes, I love the Glitter blocks too. Even though you didn't have many yellow scraps you have managed to make quite a few blocks to add to your Rainbow stash.

  7. Nice use of all your yellows. Love the flower bow ties, so cute.

  8. Maybe not very much YELLOW, but enough to add some spark to your quilts. Enjoy your weekend!!

  9. I'm not a fan of yellow and I can't explain the excess of it in my stacks of fabric. That said, I like your yellow bow ties. I really need to just choose a simple, easy block and begin making them. One of these days says....

  10. I have so much yellow! It must be time to use more yellows in my quilts.:) I really like your Glitter blocks. Had contemplated making that quilt but was hesitant about that many tricky blocks. What a good way to make them, just a few at a time!

  11. yellow doesn't last long in my stash. It adds so much to every quilt. That's why you have so few yellows, you've used them!

  12. It all looks great, Cathy. I probably could make more than one all-yellow quilt, but I'm going to stick with the RSC plan too. I just started. And I think I blame you!

  13. Well done! I'm short on yellow too.

  14. i ordered the templates for glitter - do you have any great tips for making them?

  15. blocks look good an interesting block do not think i have come across this one before. It is the first time I am doing this challenge a good way of using up scraps.

  16. I don't have much yellow in my stash either--I guess that's a shopping opportunity! The Jen Kingwell blocks look very challenging!

  17. You've made great use of your stash. Sounds like a shopping trip is in order!

  18. Your yellow blocks look great!!

  19. Nice use of the yellow scraps you had.


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