
Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Orphan Block Quilt

Orphan Block Quilt
40 x 60

The middle orphan blocks are called Practical Orchard (I think).  I swapped them long, long ago but didn't like some of the blocks because the points didn't match up nicely, some of the HSTs are turned the wrong way, etc, etc.    Well, they sat around long enough that I finally decided to let them out of the bag to star in a quilt for donation. 

I added a couple of strips of butterflies on either side of those blocks. 

And then I added some Rail Block orphans to the top and bottom plus some extra strips to make a 40 inch width.  I quilted it on my DSM with what I guess is a serpentine stitch. This was a first try of quilting with a decorative stitch on my machine. 

I pieced together my batting strips. I used a thrift store sheet for the backing and some strips left over from backing used on another quilt for the binding. 

This will be donated to either Wrap-A-Smile or Quilts Beyond Borders. 


  1. Very sweet quilt! Amazing to me that you have enough orphan blocks to make a coordinated "planned look" quilt! I do love that serpentine quilting stitch look. Were there any issues with the quilt shifting as you stitched this?

  2. Great use of those orphan blocks. The quilt is beautiful!

  3. I like this. Love how the different scale makes it look like a quilt laying over another quilt.

  4. Yeah for Orphan blocks and your using them up! One of my favorite strategies for Charity quilts! Very cute quilt! Brava!

  5. Great quilt. Love the butterfly fabric and the very pretty Thrift shop sheet backing. Another fabulous quilt. How do you create them all so quickly?

  6. That's a beautiful quilt those orphans have blossomed into happiness!
    Butterflies and daisies too, wow.

  7. Just what I needed to see today, thanks

  8. Yes, it's a beautiful way to use those orphan blocks and set them free! Congratulations on another good finish.

  9. You're really on a roll! So many pretty quilts lately!

  10. I'm getting inspired to make some orphan block quilts by all the pretty ones I'm seeing around these days. Yours is particularly pretty! I'd never have guessed that it wasn't originally planned to be this way...the color match is just right :)

  11. Beautiful use of orphan blocks.....very cheerful donation quilt. Great job.

  12. It turned out beautiful! I love the inspiration!!

  13. As the quilt turned out, those blocks don't look like orphans to me. Great job! Someone is going to love that quilt! ---"Love"

  14. They have have started as orphan blocks but you brought them together beautifully. What a gorgeous finish!

    Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2017 global FAL hosts.


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