
Monday, June 6, 2016

Gwennie Inspired Medallion QAL

There's a Gwennie (Gwen Marston) Inspired Medallion QAL going on in blog land.

  Lori at Humble Quilts is hosting the monthly linky party. 
The first theme from Lori for the center block is BASKET.  Other ladies will decide our themes for the coming months.  It should be fun!

 I prefer making lots of pieced blocks over one appliqued blocks any day so I pieced my blocks and made traditional "cake stand" blocks that I'm calling baskets since I called them baskets in another quilt I made in 2014.   In that quilt I filled most of  my "baskets" with flowers and fruits and some other fun things I had in my stash. 

But there were no baskets of chocolate in that quilt! Gasp!

Well...I love chocolate (and cookies and donuts) so I filled a few baskets with those favorites for my center block.   I decided to leave off two corners until I decide what to do for the second round. I might take off the other two corners, put the missing two back on or who knows what. 

I like big quilts so that's what this will be. I don't have a design wall so took it outside today after I got home from work to hang it on the clothesline. It was way too windy for a photo (boo hoo) so my husband came to my rescue and helped hold it still for a photo.  


After I filled up those baskets I remembered I had won some baskets last year from Block Lotto  (or was it the year before?)  Anyway, I haven't used them all in a quilt yet  (I used a few with some woven blocks in a quilt ) so I decided to sew them all together and play along with these as a center also. 

I see the next theme is CHILDHOOD.  Hmmmm...

I'm off to view everyone's basket centers. 


  1. Love your cake stand basket blocks, fun lotto blocks. You are going to be busy with two big orojects!

  2. Beautiful block. I love how they are on point. That is one of my favorite blocks. Your lotto blocks are cool. Hugs

  3. Oh I just love the cake stand baskets - fun fun fun. Can't wait to see what you do with "childhood."

  4. You have done it again -- blown the doors off an idea! The first medallion is great but that sewn together group of lotto basket blocks is beyond wonderful. Looking forward to seeing what you do next with these!

  5. Hmmmmm, chocolate, my favorite!

  6. I shouldn't think it would take very long to turn those lottery baskets into a quilt of good size! Those are delightful, very Gwenny. You've got me thinking about some food prints I have in my stash that would make good basket fillers too...

  7. I love basket blocks, all sorts, and especially yours with cookies !!! The blocks lotto are perfect.

  8. Baskets filled with cookies .. what could be better?! Love it! Watching along with this challenge, too many other projects are getting behind to start another just now, but this definitely looks like fun.

  9. Love your basket foods!! The second basket pattern is so unique! I love that one too. I'm glad you are able to put the blocks you won to good use.

  10. LOVE the plaids for the woven effect AND who doesn't LOVE chocolate goodies!! TOO fun!!

    I have some of those Lotto baskets I made and then decided not to send them in, I don't think I had the
    correct fabrics to include them. Seeing yours makes me wonder where mine are…..

    I'm still on the fence about joining in the sew a long. I can't seem to decide on colors and fabrics…..sigh!

    I can't wait to see how the rest goes!

  11. OMG you crack me up, Cathy. Chocolate! Must be the "cake stand" connection. :D

    I thought someone would do a multi-block centre, so I am glad to see you did. I am very interested to see how it will work out. So much creativity in this challenge! On to month 2.

  12. I'll have the basket of donuts! You filled your baskets will all kinds of delicious goodies.

  13. OMG, I LOVE these so much! All your baskets are fabulous, and I can't wait to see what happens next!

  14. Cute! I love the sweets in the cakestands!

  15. Sweet blocks! (Hee hee! I couldn't resist that one) Love the plaids and the chocolate makes everything better, right?

    Your Block Lotto baskets are very cute too, and halfway to being a done quilt!

  16. Love your different basket blocks. What a wonderful idea to encourage everyone to use their imagination and create. I'm sure your finished quilt will be beautiful! Happy Stitching.

  17. Wonderful baskets! Love the goodies in them! I can't wait to see what you do next.

  18. Love your cake baskets filled with chocolate - my favorite food.

  19. Your quilts are always such fun, and so are these baskets -- all of them! I can hardly wait to see your first border.
    --Nancy. (ndmessier @,

  20. Love your different take on this QAL, the plaid baskets are my favourite! Looking forward to seeing your next round(s).

  21. I meant to join in with this, then forgot! Your plaid blocks are baskets in my book and I like that you have filled them with treats. :-)

  22. What a fun challenge, will be interesting to see how it develops. Love your pieced blocks :)


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