
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Fireworks on the Rails

Rail Fence with Fireworks
63 x 84

Long ago I made some rail fence blocks to use up some blue, gray and white 2.5 inch scraps but then thought it too blah to even work on any further so the blocks stayed a UFO for quite awhile. When I finally did work on it again I started sewing the blocks together incorrectly so it then sat awhile waiting for the seam ripper.  Then I decided to make 5 Quilts of Valor this year for family members (nephew, husband's brother, sister's husband, husbands of two nieces)  and thought if I livened this up a bit with some Dresdens in fireworks fabrics it might make a nice QOV.  The center of the biggest Dresden says "celebrate". 

I quilted it with some free motion stars and spirals in light gray on my plain Jane Janome. Quilting was interrupted when Jane had to be taken into the shop because she quit working (evidently because, according to fix-it guy, I do too much sewing on this machine).  She's back now and so I was able to finish quilting Friday night.   I don't have the best eye/hand coordination so the spirals are wobbly and the stars are rather wonky but you can't really tell from near or far.  It gives  such a nice soft texture that you just want to wrap up in it and read a book and not look for quilting imperfections. 

I used some gray I had in my backings stash that looked kind of like it matched the fireworks theme.  And I used scrappy blue and gray pieces of binding from my leftover bindings so I didn't have to cut any fabric at all for binding. 


  1. It does look cuddly, and the fireworks really do liven up that fence!
    I can't believe how many quilts you get finished. Which is probably what the sewing machine guy was thinking, too...

  2. The fireworks completely change the quilt! That was a great idea, and I'm sure someone will love it! Nice finish. :D

  3. Great finish. Great example of the beauty in a quilt that wants to be unique. Thanks for sticking with it and sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. What a great idea! The fireworks take the quilt to a whole new dimension. Perfect, and so is the quilting. Great finish.

  5. Congratulations on a great finish. This is a nice combination of piecing and applique. Th dresden plates makes this sing.

  6. great finish, beautiful blue quilt I like the fireworks.

  7. The fireworks were a great addition to the Rail Fence. Really brings the quilt to life. A great finish and a lovely gift.

  8. Love the soft colours in that quilt. It is so restful, even with the firecrackers! LOL.

  9. Man oh man the dresdens really make that rail fence pop! My favorite color is blue. I wouldn't have thought to put those firework dresdens in it. Nice, nice. Thanks for sharing such a lovely.

  10. The applique takes this from "what a nice rail fence" to "WOW! what a great quilt!" Terrific idea and great execution.

  11. I like this one, both the blue and white rails and the fireworks you added to it! It seems like the perfect quilt for a Quilt of Valor!

  12. A lovely finish! I do love blue quilts, and the addition of the Dresden's is very effective!

  13. I like this a lot - the Dresden's really do look like fireworks!

  14. I love it!!! What a great way to liven up a quilt - which by the way I like as it was as well - Great job!!!

  15. I love this combination! Great job! Thank you for participating in the FAL, on behalf of the 2016 global FAL hosts


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