
Saturday, August 8, 2015

Now There Are 568 of These Things

This makes 568 of these 2 x 4.5 (finished) things. 
I started making them last year as a project for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge and I'm still at it this year.
They are pretty boring to make. Tedious. A pain in the patooty. (No, I never got into the leader/ender way). 
Pain in the patooty? So, I don't call them lozenges.  I call them suppositories. 
I estimate I need 720 for a twin sized quilt. 
It takes a lot of suppositories to cure the scrap box. 

Speaking of Rainbow Scrap Challenge...this month is indigo or, lacking that, black and/or gray. There's a couple of grays in there somewhere but these are mostly from the black/white category. 

Got Scraps?
Indigo preferred this month. Substitute black or gray. 
Use up those scraps them off each ScrapHappy Saturday. 


  1. Good on you! I reckon I'd be bored by now too LOL. I'm not real good at repetitive block making.
    What size is a twin bed? I think you are referring to what we call a double bed. Over here, twin beds are two singles (3" 6" wide side by side).

  2. Oh neat blocks; I do agree with you--it seems to take forever to put on all those corners....but love how they looked finished. Sigh....hugs, Julierose

  3. Oops! I thought lozenges only had the flip corners on two sides...putting the lozenge on the diagonal. Maybe I'm thinking of horehound candies.

  4. Oh you are so naughty. LOL Just like making snowballs. I made 5 twin sized for grandkids and another for Project Linus. It was my productive time - before computer took me over. Always enjoy your blog.

  5. Well at least you are able to approach the pain with a sense of humor. I guess like any type of medicine it will eventually leave you feeling better. Right?

  6. I really like your suppositories.
    And that's a sentence I never dreamed I'd ever type...

  7. You inspired me (made me guilty??) to work on my Jouzai lozenges--did a few more corner on the rest to where near as many as you have done!! Hugs, Julierose

  8. Oh you crack me up! This is going to look fabulous when you're done though, I'm sure of that!

  9. So funny! Have you noticed that some of your fabrics would be good boxer shorts?

  10. You are hilarious, dear one! Would sashing cut down on the number of suppositories, er, lozenges you need?

  11. Silly question from one who spent a lot of time power stitching "lozenges" last year (could not get into the L-E approach) . . . why not call it a day and simply make a smaller quilt?

  12. I'd go smaller quilt too, if this is driving you nuts, though I love checking in and finding any post with 'suppositories' featuring!

  13. You are too funny! Looking good.

  14. Wow--you do have a lot of those (ahem) suppositories! I've made all my light cornered lozenges, but kind of petered out before starting the dark corners. I may save them for retreat sewing because they are so boring to stitch.

  15. Great prints. I'm guilty of growing tired of making a particular blocks and making a small quilt instead : )


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