
Friday, October 5, 2012

It's a Wrap!

In my September 17 post I mentioned I noted my prayer shawl was halfway finished. It's a wrap now and I've been wearing it to work the last few chilly mornings. It feels warm, soft and wonderful. I was going to have one of my granddaughters model the finished product but they won't be out for a visit this weekend.

So here it is all laid out. It is 70 inches long minus the fringe and beads. The fringe is 11 inches long.

I think I'm going to try another shawl out of the book and maybe just use a single dark blue yarn. But that's after I try to crochet a pair of socks. I've had the yarn for those for over a year now, I think.

1 comment:

  1. Cathy, it is beautiful. What book did you get the pattern from? I'd like to make one. Also, what is the yarn. Is it a multi-color yarn or are you changing colors.

    Great work.


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