
Wednesday, January 29, 2025

SAHRR Round Two On Five Row Quilts

 I am participating in the 2025 Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR).

I am going to use the weekly prompts to make 5 kiddo sized row quilts. 

The prompt this week -Use Half Square Triangles (HSTs) in your block(s). 

The Elephants... a row of Pinwheels. 

The Construction Zone...

...also got a row of Pinwheels. 

I added rows of little 5 inch (finished) Churn Dashes to the top and bottom because I have a pile of those in my Parts Department made of 30s reproduction fabrics. 

The Race Cars... a row of Pinwheels made with racing stripes.

And the sweet little border print...

...also has a row of Pinwheels. 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

I did more winter sowing of seeds

Top Row for the new Kayla Memorial Garden (Perky Goth/Moonlight Garden with black and white flowers with pops of pink) - Innocence Evening Primrose, Vicars Mead Angelica,Black King Carnation. Nigra Hollyhock, Creme de Cassis Hollyhock, Black Knight Hollyhock, Black Adder Dianthus, Fama White Scabiosa, Black Barlow Columbine. 

Bottom row sown in small pots either because I had a partial seed package or not many seeds came in a package (<20): Korean Angelica, Mad Dog Skullcap, Rattlesnake Master, Hoary Vervain, Burning Bush, Globe Thistle Star Frost, Globe Thistle Blue Glow, Crimson Star Coumbine, Halo Mix Hollyhock, Canterbury Bells, Duble Take Columbine, Brazilian Vervain, Comfrey, Cream Wild Indigo, Anise Hyssop, Swan Lake and Sky Dance Salvia. 

And I still have some seeds I need to winter sow!


  1. All really cool quilts!

  2. Such joyful quilts, so much enjoyed seeing them. Ordering seeds today, found away to sew them in baggies on Instagram, so I will try that. I am craving flowers.

  3. You really are busy sewing wonderful quilts!

  4. One, two, three, four, five, all different and all such fun!

  5. Kudos to you for finding some parts that fit the quilt so beautifully. Love the "racing" fabric too. Enjoy! ;^)

  6. Love how you are adding prompts to these quilt, they are all so cute.

  7. You have done a fabulous job with those SAHRR quilts. They look like they came from a pattern because they are so perfectly laid out. I am really looking forward to seeing all of your flowers blooming.

  8. All of the quilts look great. That is really an impressive task you are doing.

  9. Sewing and sowing! Your quintet is coming along so well. (And you got all the racing stripes going the same direction.)

  10. Fun to see your parade of quilts on the clothesline! They are all so colorful and pretty!


Thank you for your vist and your time. I enjoy your comments and try to respond to them all although sometimes it might take me awhile!