
Saturday, January 18, 2025

Once Again...In The Pink!

Pink is the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color of the month and I still had a few scraps of pink to work with this week. 

7 x 9 inch (finished)
All will have brown sashing with red center.
Can use 4.5 or 3.5 inch width scraps.

I now have 15 out of my target of 64.

Sixteen Patch

6 inch finished
Made with 2 inch width scraps. 
I now have 80 blocks out of a target of 120 or 130 - haven't decided yet. 

I have a lot of green bits and pieces so when I started making these I made all blocks in the RSC color of the month alternating with green.  One exception this month...that yellow and green block was in the bag partially finished so I went ahead and finished it.

Easy Breezy
6 inch finished
Using 2 inch width scraps. Can use 3.5 inch width neutral scraps. I'll be making these in RSC color plus whatever other color scraps are around at the time plus neutral scraps. 

This is a new start. I am considering also making some 4 inch finished sized blocks to use up some 1.5 inch width scraps. AND I might even make some 8 inch finished size blocks using up some 2.5 inch width scraps.  Stay tuned...

Four Patch
5 inch finished
Made with 3 inch squares
I have 36 blocks with 96 as my target. 
Last year when I made 13 tops from a box of 3 inch width scraps I cut a lot of the remaining scraps that were long enough into 2 squares so I have a pile of them that need to be sewn up. For now I'm just going to pick out the pairs of squares in the color of the month.  I do have a little pile of 5.5 inch width scraps and I'm considering turning some of these into Double Four Patch blocks. 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Finished a book!  The Puzzle of Nellie Bly by Kate Braithwaite "explores the exploits of a ground-breaking female journalist going undercover in a 19th Century New York lunatic asylum." 



  1. So many projects. I love seeing your blocks. They are always eye candy. Enjoy! ;^)

  2. These are all so pretty, Cathy!! I think though that I like how Crossroads looks best...I do like that block a lot...nice works in progress...hugs for a great rest of the weekend...Julierose

  3. I made some of the Easy Breezy blocks a few years ago, too! They made a fun baby quilt. You've got some great ideas for your blocks this year!

  4. I love the way you have trimmed your scraps into usable sizes, then figure out what to do with them. I haven't got to that point with my scraps, but every year I'm inspired by you to do an overhaul. Maybe soon.....

  5. You're certainly in the pink !! The pink feather fabric in your first photo is a beauty.

  6. Those pinks really brighten up the day! Love them all.

  7. As always, love the scrappy fun you have going on! Particularly loving that "Peace Sign" fabric in some of the blocks. Great RSC start for this year!

  8. So many pretty pink scraps worked into blocks. Enjoy the process of collecting together enough for a quilt.


Thank you for your vist and your time. I enjoy your comments and try to respond to them all although sometimes it might take me awhile!