
Monday, January 6, 2025

Another Finish! Orphan Yolanda

It's a finish!
Orphan Yolanda
40 x 60

It's still very cold outside this a.m. so I didn't take a clothesline photo. 

I made this orphan block top last month along with several others. 

This one consists of what some might call crumb blocks but I call slab blocks.  My crumb blocks consist of irregular shaped and very small pieces. Whatever you want to call them...someone sent me 14 of those blocks framed in black a few years ago. 

A few of the blocks made mention of Paris. 

All I had to do was make a column quilt with sashing between the blocks.  

If there had been 15 instead of 14 blocks I would have made 3 columns of 5 blocks instead of 4 and 60 inches in length. BUT I didn'tt so I added a six inch border of three 2.5 inch strips on top and bottom to reach my desired 60 inches in length.   

I quilted it on my sewing machine in swirls of pink thread. 

I used some orphan blocks and a big print to piece the backing.  
The two extra slab blocks along with another orphan block that mentioned Paris that someone else gave me went on top.   I've had a big print of fabric with scenes of Paris that I never found a use for. I bought it online deeply discounted years ago and did not expect the print to be so large.  Well, the fabric finally found it's place!  

And other orphan blocks went on the bottom.   None of the orphan blocks in this quilt were mine.  The binding is a red, white and black stripe. 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

I was going through old photos in a pile I set aside to put in a scrapbook all about ME. 

I didn't realize I had these photos.  It was in some photos that my aunt sent me a long time ago after my maternal grandmother passed away. It was taken at my maternal grandmother's house probably by my grandmother.  My sister is the one in the bonnet. She was probably two years old?  Then I would have been four years old. 

Since we have lived here I've grown petunias in a rectangular planter on the deck. I told my husband it reminded me of the petunias my grandmother always grew in a little wooden wheelbarrow in her front yard. 



  1. Precious photos of you and your sister, Cathy. And hooray for your finish!

  2. Isn't it a happy time when we unexpectedly come across photos we didn't know we had! Your quilt, this has given me an idea, if I may follow your example using up my precut different lengths left over from the Lego quilt I made some time back

  3. Love the reds. Yolanda is ready for Valentine's Day! I noticed that binding right off. It was perfect for that quilt. I'm so glad that those blocks were sent to you and not thrown in the trash.Your pictures are so cute.

  4. What a wonderful column quilt you created with those blocks! And those not-known-about photos - so special!!!

  5. I thought the same thing about Valentines Day when I saw this quilt! Love the scrap sewing blocks and the print fabric for the columns.


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