
Friday, January 24, 2025

And Then There Were 48

In December I started making these Sixteen Patch blocks with vintage florals and shirtings, plaids, stripes. 

I made 19 blocks and set aside some pieces and fabrics because this month the theme in my sewing space has been "Quilting Marathon".    I ended up quilting 16 kiddo sized comfort quilts on my sewing machine and then at the beginning of this week got a little burned out on quilting so grabbed my little pile of florals and shirtings and finished making the 29 blocks I need for a complete block set. 

Now I don't think I will assemble the top right away. Instead I will put the complete block set into my SAR (Some Assembly Required) bin so I can tackle a few other things left out and set aside when I started my quilting marathon. 

And sew on...

REMEMBER, TREASURE, GROW, READ (my words of the year)

Finished the book Crow Mary by Kathleen Grissom. 

Quoted from one summary -

...The story spans the years of 1863-1892. After Goes First marries Abe, she is given a new name, Crow Mary. She cooks for the traders and witnesses first-hand what whiskey does to the Indians, the traders and eventually her husband. The men responsible for a Nakoda massacre take five Nakoda women back to their camp to abuse them. The historical fact of Crow Mary following them and single handedly rescuing the women is included in the novel. Crow Mary and Abe have three children, two of whom are sent to a white school against Crow Mary’s wishes.

As the jacket says, “inspired by the life of the real Crow Mary and endorsed by her great-granddaughter, Crow elders, and Crow scholars, this is an epic love story that sweeps across decades, showcases the beauty of the natural world, and probes the intimacies of a marriage and one woman’s heart.”



  1. I love how you used those madras plaids and florals in these...really neat blocks, Cathy; nice work on these hugs, Julierose

  2. The plaid/print combination is great, Cathy. Well worth the interruption of the marathon (maybe it's your halfway stretch).

  3. Taking a break to recharge is always a good call. Love those blocks, especially the red one with two different red plaids. Yes, I did spotted it. That book sounds very interesting. I'll have to look it up. I'm reading Wuthering Heights ... again. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. Lovely combination of prints,Crow Mary sounds like a good & interesting read

  5. Yes, great combination. I have some of each I was just going to pass on. I need to rethink them now.

  6. I go look up almost every book you mention finishing. My want-to-read list keeps growing. Thanks, Cathy :)
    Laura H.

  7. These 16 patches look so great! Fun combos!

  8. What a great pile. . .SAR. . .Some Assembly Required! Those 16 patches are going to be wonderful in a top. . .when you get to it!


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