
Saturday, December 21, 2024

New Starts

Fractured Rail Fence
10 inch blocks

The "fractured units" are made with 3 x 3.5 inch rectangles stacked and whacked and sewn back together for a 3 inch square.  I call them "fractured units" because I first came across them in the book Making Quilts by Kathy Doughty. She uses the unit to make several different quilts; however, a rail fence like above is not one of the quilts she makes. 

I will be adding these blocks to the list of blocks I'll be making as a RSC (Rainbow Scrap Challenge) project.   I'll be making them each month with scrap chunks in a light and dark color of the month.   I had some pink scraps out so decided to make a few blocks.  

They should make some fun kiddo quilts. 

I mentioned in previous posts that I've been trying to catch up on scrap processing and I've been going through baggies of things that have been sent to me. 

I have received bits and pieces in different sizes of this and that - some end cuts of strip sets, some untrimmed or unfinished crumb blocks, some wonky little blocks. When I receive things like that from folks I put them in a box. Sometimes I may take a few pieces out to fill in some spaces in an orphan block quilt but other than that I haven't used many bits and pieces this year and the little box is getting full. 

I've  picked out a lot of bits and pieces that have blues in them.  Then I make them into 6.5 x 9.5 inch pieces. Then I add 2 x 9.5 inch black strips to both sides to make a 9.5 inch square. 

Thirty blocks in a 5 x 6 layout will be arranged in a basket weave pattern.
I guess I need to make 12 more blocks!

And sew on...

CELEBRATE (my word of the year)

Dec. 20 - Tchaikovsky's Nutcracker Suite.  Hearing the music this time of year triggers some memories. I used to have an LP album (I think I still do) of the Nutcracker suite and for some reason I'd listen to it mostly when I cleaned house.  (It's easy to dust to). One day when my youngest wild child Johnny was about 5 years old he told me he thought that music was beautiful. I noticed it had a calming effect on him.  I made a cassette tape of the album. I started playing it at night when he went to bed. He usually fidgeted and messed around for hours before he was able to get to sleep but when he started listening to the Nutcracker Suite he nodded off a lot quicker. He listened to that tape at bedtime for years but he's still my wild child. And these days I rarely dust. 



  1. I love how you used those little fractured blocks. And it reminded me that there is a whole little bin full of those in my sewing room just waiting for inspiration. I believe you've just provided that inspiration. Thanks!

    Your Nutcracker story brought a big smile to my face. I got tickets years ago to a live performance of the Nutcracker. Made everyone dress up and we made an "event" of it. One daughter loved the music, one loved the costumes - and both, along with their dad, said "I don't get it". I thought it was wonderful.

  2. I do really like those "Fractured Blocks" a lot, Cathy--the array of pinks are super. What fun...I hope your holidays are wonderful hugs, Julierose

  3. Your Fractured Rail Fence is wonderful, Cathy! So pretty in pink. I love seeing all the ideas you have for using little scrappy bits and pieces. That's a great story about your son and The Nutcracker music. That kind of thing helped our sons go sleep more easily, too.

  4. Crumb cuties! I do a lot of those with all the bits and bobs I get from here and there! they are useful for the insides of purses and bags and the backs of things.
    Dust? what is this dust you speak of? is that a word in the dictionary?

  5. I love how resourceful you are with all the scraps and pieces! It's inspiring, especially since I have a bin of that stuff too! My mom took my brother and sister and I to a performance of the Nutcracker when we were in elementary school. I enjoyed the music, my sister fell asleep, and my brother loved the part with the Rat King--I think he had a sword? Thanks for sharing your memory.

  6. The fractured blocks will be great for RSC. And simple setting for the lively crumbs is terrific. I remember listening to a Nutcracker record, too. (And I've never been to a performance of the ballet, though there are plenty of opportunities.)

  7. Your Fractured Rail Fence blocks look fun. They will look great for RSC. I like the black border for the small crumb blocks. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!

  8. I like your fractured rail fence blocks. I spent way too much time looking for the pattern and finally told myself that I didn't need another pattern or start. LOL I need to finish what I have already started! I will enjoy yours. Great idea with the blue blocks. Nice touch with the black strips. You almost have another top ready! That is a nice story about the Nutcracker. I kept music on in my house always. When the kids were little, I had Christmas records and children's Christian music. We progressed through the decades with the different devices until now we can just go to YouTube! LOL We made a lot of memories with them that have carried on to the grand children. I hope your son still listens to the Nutcracker.


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