
Saturday, November 30, 2024

With 3 Inch Width Scraps, Novelty Pieces and Quilt Back Trimmings


16 Patch
10 inch block
made with 3 inch width strips

This past year has been a blur with hubby in and out of the hospital and with me helping him and doing all his chores as well as mine around here. I've also been working on clearing areas of land for some more of my dream gardens.   Also this year I have been blessed with scraps and other quilt makings from many folks who know I like to sew with scraps and also like to make donation quilts especially for kids. In previous years I used to have a few quilt blocks going for almost any size scrap I came across and I would make blocks as scraps happened.  I have fallen behind on that task and now am trying to get back to business as usual.   

So this set of blocks all use 3 inch width scraps. Not only will I use 3 inch width scraps as they happen but I also hope to use up a little box of novelty bits and pieces and empty a box of quilt back trimmings.  The novelties and quilt back trimmings will probably be used along with other widths of scraps but I'll get to that in a different post one of these days. 

So, as you saw above one of the blocks I'm making is 10 inch finished 16 patches in reds,  blues, yellows. Goal is 24 blocks in a 4 x 6 layout.  I have gone through a few quilt back trimmings and novelties and cut a few strip sets. 

Peaks and Valleys
Modified to use 3 inch scraps for a 10 inch finished block. 
I will be using that green fabric in all the blocks. 

Goal is 24 blocks for a 4 x 6 layout. I had some 3 inch squares so counted out enough for all my blocks and moving forward I hope to have all pieces cut for this quilt by year end. 

From a Youtube video. I rarely watch them because my computer takes forever to load them and then they are sometimes broken up; however, someone sent me the link so thought I would check it out. 

These units finish at 2.5 x 8.5 and consist of two 3 x 6 inch rectangles. 

The units get staggered a little so there are no seams to match.   I will be adding a 3.5 inch unfinished scrappy border. 

I sewed together the waste triangles from the Bits of Bricks units and will keep them in a baggie and decide what to do with them later. Some might be wonky because I don't take the time to cut an even 1/4 inch from seam lines. I just take a big scissors and snip. I'll just use them wonky in something so I don't have to do a lot of measuring, trimming, etc. on those snippets.  

Also while sorting 3 inch width scraps I cut 3 x 5 rectangles and 2 x 3 rectangles to be used in something later. I cut those sizes because someone gave me some rectangles cut to that size so why not expand on those sizes. They can always go into some type of coin quilt. 

I also cut 3 inch squares for some future use. 

And anything greater than an inch and less than a square gets sewn together into strips for some future use. 

 A month or so ago I emptied out a box of 3 inch width scraps and ended up with 10 tops.  I had also cut a lot of the remaining scraps into pieces for Four Patches.  I'm still working on those. 

So now when I have 3 inch width scraps I know what to do with them right away!  I keep this notebook next to my computer. It is full of doodles of quilt layouts, math, block goals and so forth. It's kind of fun to look back through the notebooks once in awhile.  I also keep a notebook next to my computer that has all sorts of notes and scribbling in it from reminders to quilts to make to seeds to order to quotes I like to tips and research on health, homemade remedies, recipes, and house maintenance. 

And now when I have 3 inch width scraps I can go look in my 3 inch project box and add units and blocks to it.  

And on to the next size scrap...
And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

November 27 - I received my order of native wildflower and grasses from Prairie Moon nursery that will sow 1500 square feet. I recently finished clearing the area out front near the ditch. Now is the time to sow because most seeds need cold stratification. More on that later with pics.      I also received a surprise sampler box of 9 Amaryllis from hubby John.  He said he ordered them for me when I was having what he thought was a really bad day. I don't remember what day that was but, hey, maybe I'll have to pretend to have a few more bad days in the future (wink, wink)! 

November 28 - Thanksgiving. I have so much to be thankful for every single day. 

November 29 - Finished a book! Plum Springs by Dan Lawton. A dysfunctional family, child abuse, addictions and vigilante justice. Plum Springs was the winner of the 2019 New Hampshire Writers' Project Readers' Choice Award For Fiction but I'm not sure I really liked the book. I liked the writing style; however, the plot just seemed too far fetched to me. 


  1. I am trying to re-juvenate my amaryllis from last year--there is a little bit of green peeking out so just maybe it will be okay...I sort of forgot it in our front hall closet ;((((( plus I have a new pink one that i just planted...I love them soooo pretty when they bloom...
    Wow a box of nine--I hope they bloom for you...

    Your 3"-ers are really being put to wonderful patterns, Cathy...
    I am working on my 9-patches in blue/white to make myself a long table runner as I gifted my Christmas one to my DIL for her birthday this year... she just loved it--so heartwarming to see people like your quilts;))))
    Hugs, Julierose

  2. such a nice gift of bulbs. I have about given up on trying to get my amaryllis's to bloom again - sometimes I had luck with them but in recent years no - I'm about ready to go buy a couple new ones for the season!

  3. Good use of your 3" scraps. Peaks and Valleys is a fun pattern, it will look great when it's done. So sweet of your DH gifting you a sampler box with Amaryllis! Happy Sunday!

  4. I've got a bunch of scraps for QOV tops to deal with. I've decided to cut 10" squares, then 5" squares, and the rest into 2.5" strips, and then get up the courage to toss the rest. I think. The plan is subject to change of course.

    Do you have any interest in a Bunch of old Quilter's Newsletter magazines? After finally completing my collection of them, I ended up with a *lot* of duplicates. Quite a few are from the 80s-90s. It's interesting seeing what's changed and what's come back around. I have a stack of 6 medium size USPS boxes full (about half the issues) that I'd like to get to someone who would love to read them, instead of hauling to the recycle.

  5. Adding - I know you are close enough I could deliver. If you don't want them...if you have any readers in the Davenport-Dubuque-CedarRapids-IowaCity-Muscatine area that do, I'm sure a transfer plan could be worked out. I'm not dealing with mailing them.

  6. oooh, Prairie Moon is the best - and you're in a perfect part of the world to reestablish some prairie natives! I bet it will be beautiful.

  7. I can always stop by your blog and get lots of inspiration for my scraps. I love each and every one of these ideas!

  8. I am always impressed with your blogs. I am a terrible gardener so I am looking forward to seeing what you get in the spring! I have those Tri-Rec rulers handy and a box of 3-1/2" strips just waiting for them. I can't say what motivated me to cut those 3-1/2" strips but I am glad that I have them. I haven't decided on the background yet. You sure get a lot done with your time. That was so sweet of your husband to buy you those seeds.


Thank you for your vist and your time. I enjoy your comments and try to respond to them all although sometimes it might take me awhile!