
Monday, September 16, 2024

Friends All Come Together On The Courthouse Steps

Courthouse Steps
10.5 inch finished
made with 2 inch width scraps
I've made 35 of them for a complete block set that will be assembled into a top later.

Lots of friends have given me scraps this year. I am so thankful. I love sorting scraps; I love piecing with scraps; I love to make scrappy comfort quilts. 

I usually have a block in process for almost every size of scrap. When I had only a few scraps I would make them into blocks right away. But when I get more scraps than I can get sewn into all the blocks right away I put the scraps into the project boxes and bags to sew at a later time - usually I pick the scraps out of the project boxes that are in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month and then piece blocks.    When project boxes get full (how exciting!) then I put the overflow of scraps in bins or bags by scrap width.  

The 2 inch width bin of scraps was recently overflowing so something had to be done about that. I decided to make Courthouse Step blocks. I've never made those blocks before.  

Only a few of these scraps are mine. Most of these scraps came from friends. 
And now those friends have come together on the Courthouse Steps. 

I'm not sure which layout I will use. 

For now I don't need to worry about layouts because this complete block set is going into the SAR (some assembly required) bin. I think I have two SAR bins now so maybe next month I should assemble a few. But I have a big TBQ (to be quilted) pile of tops too so maybe next month I should finish a few. But I have a lot of WIPs (Works in Process) so maybe I should piece with scraps and just enjoy that process. 

Now back to my regularly scheduled work on that box of 3 inch width scraps.

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Sept. 14 - Colorful skies at sunrise and at sunset. 

Sept. 15 - Dinner Plate Dahlias!   Now that the leaf hoppers and earwigs have left my Dahlias alone I have some spectacular flowers.  I will have to dig the tubers after a hard frost, rinse the dirt off and let them dry and then wrap them in newspaper and store in a cool place until next spring. But the Dinner Plate Dahlias are worth all that work. And a bonus is that a couple of my Dahlias are variegated colors. 




  1. Courthouse Steps log cabin blocks are looking great!! So nice and scrappy!! Your dahlias are just beautiful, Cathy. Lovely colors...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. I love your Courthouse Steps blocks! It's surprising that you haven't made any before. The dahlias are gorgeous!

  3. These blocks are very cheerful, colorful. This pattern was one my small quilters group and I used so very many times in the past for gift quilts. We chose different themes - birds, bugs, sarcastic housewives - or colors - all blue, red and yellow, tropical. We also made them more elongated with rectangle centers instead of square, and very wonky (10.5 × 15.5) for a 16- block quilt finishing at 40x60. Your dahlias are gorgeous. My grandfather used to fill his tiny Chicago back yard with dahlias. I have always loved them and yours are beautiful. I think you must have a very green thumb!

  4. A nice meeting place. The dahlias are gorgeous.

  5. Dahlias are such beautiful flowers and I'm happy the earwigs are gone too.

  6. Sparkling flowers! I have lots of zinnia right now and they are wonderfully colorful. The blocks are beautiful snippets of colors.

  7. Love the name! I was the recipient recently of a big bag of scraps and it made me wonder how many quilts I could make from that bag ;-)

  8. Great job on the courthouse step blocks. Sewing with friends (scraps) is always nice. If you're like me, you had some conversation with those pieces of memories. I didn't know you had to remove the tubers for the winter! No wonder mine didn't survive. :^( Enjoy your gorgeous flowers. ;^)

  9. Beautiful dahlias!. In NZ it is warm enough that the tubers don't have to be lifted. ( only if you want to divide them ).

  10. Dinner plate dahlias indeed, they look wonderful.

  11. I love making courthouse blocks! But I haven’t in years. You’re inspiring me to get back into making them. Love love the flowers!

  12. I love how you named your courthouse steps top. Perfect! As always, I enjoy the stories you add, especially, the steps you take to get it organized to getting it done. The flowers are beautiful.

  13. Wow, you have been busy with your Courthouse Steps! ! Cathy are the dahlias shown here all Dinner Plate dahlias?


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