
Tuesday, August 27, 2024


WITB? = What's in the Box, Bin, Bag, Bottom Drawer, get the idea.

This box is 11 x 13 x 8.5 inches. It contains 3 inch squares and 3 inch width strips. Most have been passed on to me by several different folks. (Yes, I know the bag says "2" squares" but that's what it used to have in it.)   Well, in September I'm going to see how many quilt tops I can make from the box of scraps. I have actually sorted the scraps into different piles for different quilts and started making tops. Stay tuned. I hope to have an empty box by the end of September and have X amount of quilt tops. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

August 26 - I was in the checkout lane at the grocery store. In the next lane over there were two cute little boys maybe 3 or 4 years old sitting in a cart waiting for their caretaker to check out. One of the little boys kept looking at me so I smiled at him. It looked like he winked at me! I wasn't sure about the wink so I winked back. Then he winked, then I winked and then he tried winking with his other eye. We had a wink-a-thon and then I had to pay and leave the store with a big smile on my face that stayed there most of the day. 


  1. Depending on what size quilts you make, I bet you will get more quilts out of that box than you think! I have several bins of scraps and I bet I could stay busy for a year just making quilts out of them!

  2. Well, the box project will be fun to follow! Not as fun as a Winkathon, perhaps, but fun.


  3. You sure have a lot of scraps and pre-cuts to work with in there...
    I am so looking forward to see what you make out of these--what fun:)))) hugs, Julierose

  4. You work wonders with scraps. I await the volumes of flimsies it generates.

    LOVE the winkathon! I always talk to/smile at kiddos :-)

  5. Enjoyed seeing all those lovely scraps --- ahhh, the possibilities. Am looking forward to seeing what you do with them! LOVED the 'wink-a-thon'! Reminded me of our grandson. As early as a year old he would look over at other cars and when he saw a female (could be a year old girl or a 98 year old, didn't matter to him), he'd wave like crazy and smile. As he got older and could reach the buttons on the window you'd hear the window go down and he's flirting with the females next to us! He did it in stores, church, didn't matter where. To this day, at 17 and 6'1" he still enjoys females - any age, but also small children. He's great with kids. Very respectful, and a joy to watch. He & our son co-teach Sunday School and he impersonates Moses and other biblical figures to teach a sermon, sings, dances -- he just enjoys life & other people.

  6. A wink-a-thon, wow, what fun experience ;-). For fun, I am guessing nine tops. Will watch and see how far off I am, lol.

  7. WITB? Love this! So many blocks are made with 3" scraps. Which one will you chose? It will be a fun September for you and for us. Enjoy! ;^)

  8. Hi Cathy! I just saw a video that I thought you might really enjoy as much as I did. Gardens and quilts, what better subjects. Go to Garden of Quilts.Thanksgiving Point. wonderful video, hope you enjoy it.

  9. Girl, you do love a good challenge! I would not know where to start with that box. Can't wait to see what lovelies emerge!!!!

  10. Looking forward to seeing what comes out of the box!!!


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