
Sunday, August 11, 2024

It's A Finish!

Suzy Ducken
On The Courthouse Steps
34 x 36

It's a finish!

The center is a cross stitched piece featuring a character named Suzy Ducken. Someone sent me the kit last year and I stitched it.   I had never heard of Suzy Ducken previously.  She is a character from Suzy's Zoo. 

While I was working on cross stitching Suzy Ducken I remembered that I had a whole bunch of cross stitched pieces somewhere around here and wondered if anyone had ever used cross stitched pieces to make a quilt. I asked the question on the Stashbuster list. A Stashbuster member, Dawn, mentioned that she happened to have a Youtube video about it!  Now, I don't normally watch videos because they take too long to load on my old computer and then they cut out or the audio doesn't work; however, I really wanted to know about using cross stitch in quilts so I managed to watch on hubby's computer.  Dawn made a Courthouse Steps with one of her embroidered pieces so I thought that was the way I would go.  And so here we are. I used orange and lime green scraps to match Suzy's dress and legs and a flower. 

I quilted it with three petaled flowers in a variegated thread in orange, red, yellow - sunset colors. 

I think my pictures look a little blurry (sorry about that) but there are ducks in hats on the back and the binding is a purplish color to match Suzy's shoes and it has lime green and orange dots on it. 

And sew on...

I do have more very old cross stitch and embroidered pieces I want to use in quilts but not sure where they are right now. I've looked in a couple of places but I'm thinking they might be packed away up in the attic. I haven't been up there in years so if that is where they are I hope mice have not found them and taken a nibble.   

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

August 10 - Finished a book! -   The Lost Bookshop by Evie Wood.  Magical realism. "Books help you to imagine a life bigger and better than you could ever dream of."  A book about finding life's purpose. 



  1. Hi Cathy, I’ve been reading for ages, but have never commented. Firstly, I’m so sorry for the sudden devastating loss of your granddaughter a while ago. My sincere condolences to you and your family.
    The reason I’m finally posting is to let you know that Deborah Harry has a Facebook page where she uses cross stitch and embroidery items in making project pouches. Have a look. No affiliation at all.
    Jane in Australia

  2. Neat "Suzy" quilt--I like embroidered pieces set into quilts--it's such a nice way of showcasing them instead of just framing and hanging them, I think. Hugs, Julierose

  3. I love it. You really put a lot of work on the quilting. Very nice. My grandmother made me a quilt with embroidered state flowers alternating with solid squares and hand quilted it in a small crosshatch. She finished it in 1958 and was going to enter it into the Dallas State Fair, but they added Alaska and Hawaii to the union in early 1959 so she felt like it was out of date! I cherished the quilt and it is in remarkable condition. I only used it on top of my bed. I didn't really use it for any other purpose. I do think that cross stitch would be better than embroidery because the stitches are tighter.

  4. What a great way to highlight Suzy. I recently went through a file box of OLD cross-stitch pattern booklets. One of them was for "quilted cross stitch" that combined the two. The settings weren't very imaginative. How well will x-stitch hold up to the use that a bed quilt is likely to get?

  5. It is such a happy sunshiney quilt! Love the cross stitch although I do not do it. I would love to make a quilt with cross stitch or embroidery. I will have to look for someone else's discard to make one.

  6. Such a happy and cheerful quilt!

  7. The cross stitch is precious and the quilt is exuberantly cheerful! I love the backing. Magic realism is a fascinating book genre. Have you read any Alice Hoffman?

  8. I',m in love with your centrepiece in thisCourthouse Steps of yours, brilliant idea Cathy, and the ducky fabric is amazing.


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