
Friday, August 2, 2024

Feathers and Webs

The theme in my sewing space in July was strings.  I started making Feathers with the longer and wider strings. I have all of the two sides of the feathers made so now I'm just putting them all together into blocks. 

Maybe in August I will get this to flimsy stage. 

I don't really have many longer pieces of yardage for quilts that need lots of background. I did have enough of this green. I figured green goes with everything- most flowers have green leaves. 

I also started making Spider Web blocks in July. I don't have enough for a larger top yet. I don't want to make a kiddo sized quiltt because that black/rainbow fabric I'm using for the centers has marijuana leaves on it. 

It's August and now my theme is KIDS but I will still fit in some string sewing now and then. I don't want the string quilts to turn into UFOs until they are flimsies. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

July 31 - Finished a book! The Things We Cannot Say by Kelly Rimmer - a WWII historical fiction. "Life has a way of reminding you that you are at the mercy of chance, and that even well-thought-out plans can turn to chaos in an instant."

August 1 - A BLT with a big juicy homegrown tomato. Homegrown tomatoes sprinkled with homegrown basil.  Unfortunately my tomatoes are not producing very well this year but I am really enjoying the ones I have harvested. 



  1. they are all looking fantastic! scraps can be beautiful

  2. Such pretty feathers! The green enhances the little strips. I have lots of little tomatoes to pick, but the red peppers have a rot thing going on that is weird. Lettuce is done and I am going to plant more.

  3. I'm still loving those feathers! I don't know what made me think that you were using a different I have plenty of strips so I need to just decide on the background. That's funny about the marijuana leaves in the spiderweb quilt. I probably wouldn't have even thought of that. I probably couldn't pick a marijuana leaf out of a lineup! LOL Glad you have been enjoying your tomatoes. They taste so good when fresh picked!

  4. I've always loved those feathers when I've seen them in quilts. Did you use a pattern?

  5. I do like the Spider Web pattern. I made a quilt using it last year. Seeing yours has made me want to have another go - I certainly have enough string scraps to make a start!


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