
Saturday, July 13, 2024

Wonky Log Cabin Finish

Wonky Log Cabin
42 x 56

It's a finish!

I started each 14 inch block with a 4.5 inch (or was it 4 inch?) square of a novelty print on black background. 

For this quilt I used novelty strings as well as some bright ones. 

I quilted it on my DSM with swirls in a light gray thread. 

The binding is scrappy and came out of my leftover bindings box. 

The back is a striped fabric.

And now it's ready for donation.

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

July 11 - Puns! I love them. Every once in awhile someone sends me one or two. I took a bite of a burger made of deer meat and now I have buck teeth. And in other news...a corn farmer near here was arrested for stalking.  You know...sometimes it is kind of fun to sneak a pun into a conversation with a group of people to see if anyone is listening. 

July 12 - Weeded veg garden rows.  I like to get the weeds out before they go to seed and hide in the soil ready to sprout when conditions are right. And when I see the nicely weeded rows I feel so accomplished!  I have to say I actually like to weed. 



  1. What a delightful quilt. You could design a whole room around this quilt.

  2. Looking at this quilt and others that you have made, makes me want to buy more bright fabric. They really shout happy to me. Thanks for sharing all that you do. And I really liked those puns.

  3. Great quilt. I, too, am partial to puns.

    How much did the pirate pay to get his ears pierced? A buccaneer.
    My friends and I have named our band Duvet. It's a cover band.
    Never buy flowers from a monk. Only you can prevent florist friars.

  4. ok, we need to have a pun competition...

    great quilt, great post !

  5. Oh I do love this one Cathy, it's so vibrant (all your quilts are of course) I think the addition of the black centres is so good.

  6. Large log cabins and not the half light/half dark kind. Just log cabins. I like the idea of a consistent center...It is a great idea for a project...perhaps my NEXT project!!
    Hmm log cabins in Olympic colors?

  7. I appreciate puns - if I have a chance tothink about them, lol! Love your quilt finish, too. Lots of fun color!

  8. I love the quilt and the colors. The puns were fun too.

  9. I love log cabins! Did you hear that Frank Perdue died? They think it was fowl play.

  10. I really love any log cabin but your colors are especially fabulous! The wonkiness is perfect for all those bright, modern colors.

  11. What a lovely quilt! Such a good idea to use squares with the same colour background for the centre of each block.
    I enjoy weeding too. So satisfying to step back and see plants standing in cleared ground :-)

  12. Such a happy quilt. I am sure it will be loved wherever it goes.


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