
Friday, June 14, 2024

A Small Monkey Wrench Finish

It's a finish!
Monkey Wrench
10 inch blocks
40 x 40

You may or may not remember that as one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) projects I made Monkey Wrench blocks in three different sizes from scraps. After a couple of years of making blocks I had big piles of them. I sorted blocks and have been making donation quilts with them. 

This quilt has 10 inch pastel blocks. 

I quilted it with vertical, horizontal and diagonal lines on my Brother sewing machine. 

The backing.
I had almost enough of the same fabric for the binding. I added in a piece of a similar color. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

It's been awhile since I last posted. We have a lot of John's family in town this week (June 9 - June 16) camping in cabins, RVs and tents. John is no longer able to drive or camp; however, the park is only a few minutes drive for us so we go over to visit with everyone coming and going for a few hours every day. John is the oldest of eight siblings. Two passed away last year. If you count our generation as generation 1 there are four generations of living relatives. Generation four has just started and will have the third member of that generation will be joining us in August.   So, anyway...we have been celebrating family all week -- 3 high school grads, new baby born in March, 70th birthday. There's talk of future wedding plans for several and names for that new baby joining in March. And we are remembering...past camp outs and those who are no longer here with us.  And everyone marvels that John is able to attend.  CELEBRATE!

June 7 - I already mentioned in our last post that we celebrated our 51st anniversary that day. But that day I also received a package - purchased batik strips and strings from Wanda - and I received a couple of backings as a bonus!

June 8 - I received a box with partially used big spools of thread and large chunks of fabric from Teresa. 

June 9 - Family camping begins! 

June 10 - Finished a book - The Rose Code by Kate Quinn. - It's a WWII historical fiction book. Three female codebreakers at Bletchley Park must uncover a traitor and solve one last code after World War II.  Interesting book and some of the characters are based on real persons. 

June 11 - I received a box with mostly strings from Katie. I also received a housedress I ordered. I'm thinking that it might be cooler to work in the garden in a loose fitting dress. We shall see...

June 12 - Family! Family! Family! Food, Fun, Games, Memories....

June 13 - Received a box with several lengths of fabric from Kathleen for possible use as backings for donation quilts.

**I am so thankful for all the friends who send me surprise packages and keep me sewing! I try to move it all forward in the form of quilts and on to someone else to enjoy! 


  1. The housedress immediately conjures images of historical photos....why not?! So great that the Labath clan can gather and you and John can join them. We are happy to keep you supplied with fabric -- in return we are supplied with inspiration!

  2. I love your quilt all in pastels - it's so fresh and sweet! So glad you can get together with the family for lots of celebrating, too. I loved the Rose Code - learned a lot from it about those code breakers - so fascinating!

  3. Fantastic camping and family review.

    Great quilt finish :-)

  4. How wonderful to surrounded by family for a week. Sounds like everyone is having a good time.

    You are clearly putting your RSC blocks to good use.

  5. Hello from a new commenter! Am always amazed at your productivity & love your scrappy masterpieces. Please share your system of “parts department” and the sizes of blocks you use for your different sizes of monkey wrench blocks. Always enjoy your blog posts. So happy you and hubby are enjoying family time. Beth in AL

  6. What a pretty quilt, full of lovely pastels. This is the perfect baby quilt. Have you sewn up all your big stash of .Monkey Wrench blocks? So pleased you are enjoying your annual family get together even though you are celebrating in a different way this year.
    Hope John is feeling the benefit too.

  7. Wow! So much to be thankful for! June has been a great month! :)

  8. You pastel quilt is dreamy! With the light coming from behind it has a look of stained glass, beautiful! I'm so happy to read of your gatherings with family, such a treat for you both.

  9. Family gatherings are always fun, exhausting but fun.
    Nice soft quilt for a little one. Well done. Enjoy! ;^)


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