
Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Blue And Yellow Squares

It's a top!
40 x 48

Someone gave me a big bag of different sized squares so I picked out the 4.5 inch squares in blue and yellow to make this top. 

There weren't quite enough yellow squares so I cut a few squares from scraps to add to the mix. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (My word of the year)

May 27 -  Last night I had lettuce from the garden on my BLT and I had strawberries from the garden on my bowl of ice cream.  While outside working on a beautiful day I saw Tiger Swallowtail, Skipper and Red Admiral butterflies. 


  1. Oh garden lettuce is the best--so sweet and crunchy!!
    The blue/yellow squares piece is really pretty...nice work...
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Simply cheerful! Congrats on your early produce. Yummy!

  3. Nice solid quilt. I planted lettuce in a raised planter I just bought. I went back and bought another. Hopefully soon, I can make a fresh salad. It has been raining and I can't get the tomatoes planted in another raised tub I bought. Getting to like Tractor Supply.

  4. Another pretty quilt top, blue and yellow is a beautiful combination. Nothing tastes better than produce from your own garden.

  5. It's a lovely top, great work on using up those donated squares.


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