
Friday, March 1, 2024

Vintage Doll Quilt Inspired Top

It's a top!
66 x 84

I made 6 inch finished four patches of QSTs and squares as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge project. I think I started making the blocks from scraps back in 2022.  I had the 3.5 inch HSTs in the outer border in my Parts Department. 

I just love how it turned out. 

I might have to big stitch hand quilt this one someday and keep it for myself. 
I do like to make my version of a vintage quilt!

Hopefully the next tops I'll blog about will be quilted ones because this month the theme in my sewing space is March Madness (Quilting) Marathon! 

And sew on...



  1. I love this quilt. The hour glass blocks look like pinwheels when put together. So fun to look at.

  2. Oh i just love how your quilt turned out--I really like how those little gold bits spark it up!! Nice work hugs, Julierose

  3. What a great quilt! So simple yet so beautiful. I have lots of triangles, so this one is going on my to-do list. Great job, Cathy! ;^)

  4. Super quilt. Such a lot to look at. You ae very good at making quilts based on vintage ones.

  5. I would keep this one, too, Cathy! Love it! :)

  6. You can't keep every quilt, but it nice when one calls to you to stay at home. Seeing the photo of the original makes it even more special. Enjoy the quilting!

  7. this quilt is especially beautiful! great job!

  8. Ooh I love this one! So much eye movement. I’ll add it to my huge pile of ideas I’ve gotten from your blog!

  9. I love this quilt, but hourglass blocks are not my favorite to piece. I'm looking forward to the marathon quilting experience.


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