
Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Two Finishes

One Block - Two Different Layouts
Two Finishes! 
Each 35 x 50

Quite awhile ago I was given these string blocks and parts. My UFO list says I completed the flimsies in 2023 but I can't seem to find the blog post about it. 

In one quilt the blocks forms diamonds. I quilted on the vertical and diagonal lines in blue.

The back is solid blue and the binding is yellow.

The other layout is zig zag.

I quilted squiggles in a yellow/red/orange variegated thread inside the yellow zig zags. I used blue thread to quilt inside the seam lines of the blue zig zags. 

This one has the same blue backing and yellow binding. 

The theme this month in my sewing space is March Madness (Quilting) Marathon.  I'm going to concentrate on finishing up a lot of the small tops I have in the TBQ (to be quilted) pile.  They will then be donated to:

CELEBRATE! (My word of the year)

March 11 - Surprise! I've never had a snow pea volunteer in the garden.  Must be time for me to plant my snow peas! I've been looking at the average soil temperatures 4 inches down in my area and they vary between 37 and 41 degrees. Since snow peas sprout in cooler temps, my pea trellis ready and since it is going to be a nice day today with rain later in the week I think today is the day for planting my snow peas! It is really fun to walk around the garden this time of year. There is some new treasure to find every day. 

My surprise! A volunteer snow pea.   The variety I usually plant is Green Beauty. 


  1. Both layouts are a great way to showcase the strong colors of the string blocks. And how nice to have a sunny day!

  2. Two lovely bright quilts. I like both the settings for the blue and yellow blocks.

  3. I don't recall seeing these quilts in 2023. They are both wonderful. I am now inspired to make string blocks. What a lovely surprise in your garden. Enjoy your day playing in the dirt. ;^)

  4. So vibrant and gorgeous! Woo Hoo on the finishes! Don't you just love volunteer plants? Enjoy your day.

  5. They are very bright and vibrant! Well done on a couple more great finishes, you are certainly making short work on quilting these tops.

  6. Love your finished quilts! So bright and cheerful, pretty colors!

  7. Woohoo! I am so excited to see the volunteer snow pea! I am looking forward to seeing the trellis full of blooms! :)

  8. Love the quilting on both. You are on a roll. It's so exciting to see all of your quilts come to life!

  9. Wonderful layout of the blocks! Thanks for the quilting idea of squiggles. I’m finding I really like quilts with strong color use.
    Laura H.

  10. Wow, those quilts will put a snap into someone's steps! Cool finishes with the same blocks.


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