
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR) Round 5

Stay At Home Round Robin
after round 5
50.5 x 62.5

The prompt for round 5 is "4".

So I made 4 -- 4 inch Sawtooth Stars in a 4 inch border to add to the top...

...and bottom of the quilt. 

I was kind of wishing I had enough of one fabric for the star background and rest of the border but I didn't and sew it goes.  The strips at the top and bottom of the Sawtooth Stars looks white but it is a very pale mottled blue.  And so for this round I used 4 fabrics in total to make the round 5 top and bottom borders - 1.Stars, 2.Star background, 3.floral in border with stars and 4.strip above and below the stars. 

One more round to go! I'm hoping to get it to at least 70 inches in length for a nice sized throw.

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (My word of the year)

Feb. 19 - Celebrated a good book and a great author. I finished the fourth and final book in a series ---The Gem of Ireland's Crown by Jean Grainger from the Cullen's Celtic Cabaret series.  I got to know the characters almost as well as some of the characters I've come to know through blogging.  

Feb. 20 --Five packets of free seeds came with my seed order! 

Feb. 21 -My husband John was discharged from home visits for physical therapy! I help him run through his lists of exercises every day and they are pleased with the progress we are making so we just need to continue with our daily routine of exercises and don't need anyone to come visit and check on his progress each week like they have been. Our goal is for John to use a cane or nothing instead of the walker.  That means he needs to continue to improve core strength, balance and posture. And we still have the problem of a very leaky gtube stoma whenever he does a lot of exercise but we are learning to deal with that. 



  1. Love all the blues. Great progress.

  2. Looking good Cathy!

    Congrats to hubster on graduating :-) Lucky him, he has a focused partner in this life!

  3. Beautiful! Glad your husband is making such good progress. He'll enjoy walking out to your garden this summer to see all the lovely flowers. Happy stitching!

  4. LOVE it!!! your rounds are just so pretty!!
    Glad that John is continuing to get better and progress!!!

  5. You did a great job with "4"! Love your sawtooth stars!
    Thanks for Linking to SAHRR #5!

    Hope your husband continues to improve! A leaky stoma is certainly a pain in the tummy! hopefully it quits leaking on it's own!

  6. I love the stars on your border. It brings back the stars previously used in the other round and makes everything cohesive. Very well done.
    So happy to hear about your hubby's progress. What wonderful news. Hurrah for free seed packages! ;^)

  7. That was an excellent decision to use the "4" in the borders. I am impressed. I just don't have the creativity to do those improv steps! I am pretty boring. Good news for you and your hubby. It's amazing how much simple exercises can improve your overall health and balance. It even helps your heart. I am looking forward to seeing your plant starters.

  8. I like your interpretation of “4.” Your blues are going to make it I think.

  9. Your quilt top is stunning, Cathy. Glad John is doing so well and sending wishes for continued improvement and good health! xo

  10. Your new borders are beautiful and I think 'celebrate' is a fantastic word for the year :)


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