
Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR)

For the center of my Stay At Home Round Robin (SAHRR) I chose a 12.5 inch orphan block someone gave me. 

The border #1 prompt is Signature Block. 
I made my blocks 2.5 x 4.5.
So now my block is 20.5 inches square. 

I'm quilting along in order to challenge myself to think creatively and maybe to have some fun doing that and maybe to have a nice quilt when all is said and done.  I always seem to have problems making medallion style quilts because I never know what to add for borders. Now I can let someone else spark an idea for borders.  I'm also hoping to use up mostly blue scraps but I'm never very good at staying with two colors for a quilt. Let's see what happens! 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (My word of the year)

Jan. 21 - For the first time in I don't know how many days hubby's gtube stoma did not leak like a waterfall (okay, that might be a slight exaggeration) all night long while hooked up to pump feed. And that also meant I got a good night's sleep without interruption every few hours to change his shirt and stoma dressing and apply barrier cream or hydrocortisone cream  to areas where stomach acid burned his skin. 

Jan. 22 - Temps above 0 degrees all day! 



  1. That’s definitely something to celebrate. Love the start of your RR quilt. Reminds me of willow pattern china. Hope you have another good night’s sleep tonight.

  2. I love your celebration theme this year, Cathy. A good night's sleep can make all the difference! The challenges you and your husband are facing seem to me like really big challenges! Blessings to you.

  3. The blues look so fresh and strong. Great start.

  4. I’m reading your blog in Gisborne, New Zealand, you are such an inspiring person with all of your charity work and boundless enthusiasm. I look forward to a good dose of positivity each time your name comes up in my mail.
    Not an easy time for you either, real life has many curve balls but celebrate you do. Thank you so much for all you do. We have a saying here, Kia Kaha (stay strong), in our first language Te Reo, the Maori language. I wish Kia Kaha for you

  5. Celebrating that with you!

  6. My favorite part of the Gwennie Medallion quilt was being given the border prompts and puzzling out a way to interpret them. It's such a fun format for a quilt! Enjoy your new medallion!
    And celebrate every speck of good that comes your way, no matter how big or small. (A lesson for all of us)

  7. Those are such pretty blues that you're using for this project, Cathy! I'm also really happy for both you and your hubby that you both had a good night's sleep. Wishing you many more nights like that!

  8. I have participated in round robins and found them to be both challenging and lots of fun, Cathy!
    What a great reason to celebrate...I hope that continues! :)

  9. Great start to your SAHRR quilt! I love the blues.
    I'm so glad you got some good sleep and that your husband is doing better.

  10. I'm so glad you've joined in with us, and your center block choice is very nice. Whether you stay with the two color, or add more, so far your quilt is looking really good! Have fun!

  11. I am so glad to hear yo had a healing good night's sleep!
    I am also grateful that you referenced the SAHRR. I did that in 2022, I believe, and enjoyed it thoroughly. I will definitely be doing this one in 2024. Yahoo!

  12. I really like the center block and the next border is perfect! I hope you can keep using blue fabrics. There is nothing like an blue & white quilt for elegance. Happy stitching!

  13. So much depth to your colors! They remind me of Delft pottery.

  14. Beautiful! That's such a pretty block and I love all those blues :)

  15. You are off to a good start with the two colors. So pretty!

  16. Such a pretty center block and great signature blocks. Hooray for the daily celebrations! Looking forward to seeing your next round.

  17. Hi Cathy, your blocks look really good together!


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