
Thursday, January 25, 2024

Some Rolling Stones Are Starting To Gather Moss

Rolling Stone
9 inch block

I started a Rolling Stone (aka Broken Wheel) quilt last year. My goal is 48 blocks and I now have half that many.  I love these blocks in aqua, purple and red and need to get this quilt finished so my Rolling Stones gather no moss. 

And sew on...

CELEBRATE! (my word of the year)

Jan. 24 - I celebrated getting caught up on hubby's medical bills a few days ago. Since I had a few dollars left after that I decided to do more celebrating so treated myself and ordered 3 floribunda roses to be delivered in the Spring - Hot Cocoa,, Ketchup and Mustard and La Park. Can't wait! I LOVE roses!



  1. Oh good for you, Cathy--I don't have the rose-growing knack--I make do
    with my one peony bush...can't wait to see those varieties...roses are my
    very favorite flower...
    Your Rolling Stones are so pretty and vibrant...hugs, Julierose

  2. What great names for the rose hybrids! Lovely colorway for your rolling stones. Do you use a special ruler for square-in-square or measure, pin, and sew?

  3. I love your Rolling Stones blocks. The colours are just lovely together. I'm not much of a garden girl but I'm looking forward to seeing these roses. Their names are very descriptive. Enjoy! ;^)

  4. What a fun celebration! To actually have leftover money from medical bills and spend it on roses for the garden! Yippeeeeeeeeee! :)

  5. I love those rolling stone blocks! Really like your fabric combinations! Congratulations on getting those medical bills paid. They can be so stressful getting settled. How exciting to have the roses ordered!! I like your celebrations!!

  6. The Rolling Stones blocks look great in theses colours. Pleased you rewarded yourself with three new roses, you deserve them.

  7. perfect name for these blocks, beautiful assortment of colors!

  8. Hot cocoa is one of my favorites! A friend gave me hers because it got shaded out. It has the best dark green shiny foliage. It is not fussy and the dusky brown red is exquisite. I have a rolling stone on the longarm right now. It is going to take a while. Yours is wonderfully colored.

  9. I really like that block. You're half-way there. It won't be long before you will be sharing the finish.


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