
Monday, July 10, 2023

Sixteen Patch Squared

Sixteen Patch
It's a top!
42 x 42
Six inch finished blocks made with 2 inch squares.

Squares and Rectangles 
is the theme in my little sewing space to move scraps and UFOs forward this month.

I made these Sixteen Patch blocks a long time ago and put the block set away in my SAR (Some Assembly Required) box.  Since this block set meets my theme I decided to get it assembled and maybe I will even get it quilted by month end. Stay tuned. 

And sew on...



  1. Ooh I love this top! Firstly the reds caught my eye and they popped, then the pink, then the turquoise and so on. Then I realised all the colours were popping and the whole top glowed. Great combinations of squares in the 16 patches and placements of blocks in the top.

  2. I love all of the deeper tones in this one. I don't think I've ever seen a 16 patch that I didn't like, a favorite pattern.

  3. Just a lot of fun fabrics in such bold blocks. It looks like a wonderful finish.

  4. You are certainly keeping up well with your monthly commitments.

  5. Very nice! I really like the color combination.

  6. That is a great name, Some Assembly Required. Congrats on a finished top. So close to the completely finished line.


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