
Friday, March 17, 2023

Two Finishes

Two Little Comfort Quilts
Two little finishes! 
Each 40 x 60 inches

I made the blocks for both quilts last year and tucked the block sets away in my SAR (Some Assembly Required) box until this month. 

I didn't think I'd be able to take photos this morning. I woke up to howling winds, freezing temperatures and a new dusting of snow on the ground but when I noticed a break in the winds I rushed out with the camera and was able to snap a few photos before the winds picked up again. 

1. Sixteen Patch

It is made of '30s reproduction prints of little animals and kids at play mixed with shirts and other plaids. The blocks finish at 10 inches and are made of 3 inch squares.   I quilted it on my DSM with swirls. The binding is a  gray/blue check. 

2. Happy Blocks

I used some of the same '30s fabrics for the 6.5 inch centers and bordered them with 2.5 inch solids. I made 24 blocks and bordered four in each of six colors - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet. Then I arranged them in rainbow order.  The blocks finish at 10 inches. 

I also quilted it on my DSM with swirls. The binding is a multicolor stripe. 

The backs.

I mentioned a light dusting of snow fell last night. My little patches of crocus survived last week's snow. I'm hoping they will survive this one too and stay in bloom a little longer. 

And sew on...



  1. Wonderful finishes! It is interesting to see you work on the blocks for months and then suddenly you have a slew of finishes!

  2. I think your SAR box is a really good idea. How lovely to have a stash of the right number of blocks just waiting to be put together into a quilt. Two great finishes, both bright and lots to look at., waiting to cheer someone up. Your poor little crocus - however they’re pretty hardy so I trust they will survive.

  3. The front barreled through here in the middle of the night and woke me up.
    It pushed away the clouds so today is sunny albeit chilly and breezy. Congratulations on two more finishes! Hope you'll be able to reward yourself with a new start.

  4. yay for finishes! Looking great! Have you decided on a UFO theme for April? maybe too soon for that! LOL

  5. Both are nice finishes and sure to be loved.
    The wind picked up here at midnight but we didn't get any snow. Cold today.

  6. great finishes - you sure must have wanted an outside photo LOL - I think I would have stuck to in the house :)

  7. The early spring flowers alway surprise me with their resilience during these later cold snaps and snows. LOVELY finishes!!

  8. Two more lovely finishes! Hope you didn't slip over in that snow while you were taking pictures outside - it looks rather chilly to me.

  9. Congrats on two more finishes. I love the 16 patches. The plaid makes the other fabric pop. Great combo. ;^)

  10. Two great and happy finishes, Cathy. Congrats.

  11. Congrats on those lovely finishes! BRRR that snow! Hope your crocus survives the cold weather.

  12. oh, poor little crocuses! crocuseses. crocusi? crocusetti? crokes. poor little crokes...

  13. That sixteen patch is so bright and colorful! I never mix plaids with prints but they look really good together. I don't think my plaids are that colorful though. Your quilts always look great on the clothesline. There is nothing like natural daylight for good photos.

  14. Cathy, I sure do love what beautiful quilts you make with your scraps! I'm always excited see what you've been up to. Both of these are beauties, and I like your green monkey wrenches in the works, too!

  15. Both of those are so great - and taking their photos against the snow makes those colors really shine!!!

  16. Your productivity never ceases to amaze me. I quit following a lot of blogs but I stuck with you because you ALWAYS have so much going on and I enjoy your style. Congrats in two more great finishes. These are happy quilts!


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