
Thursday, March 2, 2023

From SAR to TBQ

This month I declared 1930s as my theme to move stuff in my sewing room forward. 

I started with the "low hanging fruit" - complete block sets for small quilts in my SAR (Some Assembly Required) bins.  

I have now assembled 5 tops and moved them to the TBQ (To be Quilted) pile.   I hope to find backings for them and get them quilted before month end.   I made the block sets last year with 1930s reproduction prints (or similar prints) that have animals and children playing. 

1. Happy Blocks

2. Snowball and Nine Patch

3. Sixteen Patch

4. Weave ???
Not sure of the name of this block. They are six inch finished blocks. They have 4.5 x 6.5 inch centers with 1.5 x 6.5 inch sides.  I've made several of these and varied what is used as the 4.5 x 6.5 inch center. In this case the center is a four patch  made of 2.5 x 3.5 rectangles.   I really wanted to use yellow for the sides of the blocks but didn't have enough so I used a piece of orange that was big enough to do the job. 

5. Log Cabin 

And oh joy! Look what I found in the law near the clothesline today! Crocus! They would probably be open if there was some sunshine.  And I think I have heard robins sing; however, I have not yet spotted one.  

And sew on...



  1. Those are happy quilts! I really like the Weave design - it would work with any kind of scraps. And crocus - yay! I've been watching for mine, but nothing yet.

  2. Fantastic giant stack of work you've done.

    And bestill my heart, your Crocus are up :-) Happy Days

  3. wow so pretty and colorful....i saw a hyacinth in bloom just yesterday...

  4. Cheerful quilts on your clothesline. They are all lovely. I am making the number 4 quilt and my friends call it a Chaser quilt. The centres are made of crumbs with grey borders. I love your orange borders. Looks great! ;^)

  5. Love the title of your post! Nice to see you moving all the tops along to the TBQ pile. The alternating snowball and the nine patch top, also the log cabin, colours are so eye catching. But then I love them all!

  6. The quilt look terrific outside. We still have ice and snow on the ground. Crocus are buried yet. Just looking at the quilts cheers me up.

  7. I really like your idea of the monthly theme. Sometimes there are so many things I want to work on I'm not sure where to start but, having a focus would sure be helpful. Unfortunately, we have nothing but sun! And, there are no breaks from gardening unless it's to replant what the nuisance iguana have managed to wipe out.

  8. I really like your arrangement of the blocks in your "log cabin"; much easier, and quicker, I expect, than the usual log cabin block and with a similar effect.

  9. A very happy bunch of quilts! And I smiled when I saw the crocus. My squirrels do not allow crocuses to bloom in my yard and so I enjoy seeing others'.

  10. My goodness, what a great collection of quilt tops. I particularly like the nine patch/snow ball quilt, must tuck that idea away for the future.

  11. Sometimes I could swear you have a magic wand that you wave and gorgeous quilts appear out of the air! It's the only logical explanation for how productive you are!

  12. Congrats on meeting your 1930's goal for February. Great batch of quilt tops, Cathy!!

  13. I love the acronyms (and the quilts).

  14. An inspired way to work through your "stuff", bright colours are the best!


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