
Saturday, August 27, 2022

Scrap Processing: Orange Scraps

Orange was the Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) color of the month of August. 

Monkey Wrenches
7.5 inch finished

I also made a few with yellow backgrounds because I just need a few more on yellow in order to make a kiddo sized quilt. 

I turned some orange 3.5 inch squares into Snowballs with light corners. These will be combined with some little 3.5 inch Nine Patches with light corners. 

And the ends of 3.5 inch scraps cut 1.5 x 3.5 were made into Switch Plate blocks

Then I made 6 Postage Stamp Pandemic (PSP) blocks. I've been making these off and on since 2020.  My target is 121 blocks and I think I am now up to 97 blocks.  

And sew on...



  1. Love the Snowball and Postage Stamp have made good Orange progress this month...hugs, Julierose

  2. The monkey wrench blocks on yellow are fun! Well, really, all of your blocks are fun. Love seeing the fun bits you use in each type of block!

  3. Lots of scrappy goodness! And you've made me want to go make some Monkey Wrench blocks! So cute!

  4. Love them all but the Monkey Wrenches are definitely my favourites.

  5. monkey wrenches are a great block I have some somewhere.....

  6. Sew much orange sewing! You are a whirlwind indeed.

  7. I love visiting your scrap processing factory! Where scraps turn into blocks, and blocks become quilts for people who need them. Nice work!

  8. Love those postage stamps blocks, I made a bunch recently and they are so addicting!! Happy sewing!

  9. Loads of fun prints in all your orange blocks. Great job! I really like those monkey wrenches on yellow. Cheerful!


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