
Sunday, June 19, 2022

What Was In The Box?

Back at the end of May I blogged about a box of patriotic print scraps.  At that point I was wondering what I could make with all those scraps.  Well, so far I have made this top that measures 60 x 72. It was inspired by a quilt I saw at Petite Quilts. 

It's full of lots of different scraps...

...six inch Anvil blocks, six inch HSTs...

...2 X 4 Flying Geese...

...and there's Pinwheels in the corners. 

So. Did I use up the entire box of patriotic print scraps? 

And actually it looks like there's more in there than when I started. 
Now what? Hmmm....

And sew on...



  1. very pretty...ah the lament of every quilter!

  2. I love it!
    And yeah, if you turn your back, scraps will multiply like bunnies!

  3. WOW!!! you made amazing use of those fabrics!!!

  4. It is a beautiful quilt and it is nice that you still have enough scraps inside the box to keep playing

  5. Why do you suppose that always happens? The more scraps you take out of box, the more full it seems to be. This was a great outcome from your patriotic box! It will be fun to see what you come up with next!

  6. Absolutely gorgeous! You are so clever, putting all those scraps and leftover blocks together in such a creative fashion. Wow! I am wondering what riotous parties are happening in your Patriotic Scraps box when you close it up at night? Keep on Sewing On.😋

  7. That box of scraps must have been fully packed. . .now that you have allowed some air to circulate around the fabrics, they take up more room in the book. Your patriotic quilt top is so cheerful. I loved the variety of the scraps in the top! There will be lots to look at when it is warming someone!

  8. I'd say there's a good whooping of HSTs in that quilt! Scraps are like dirty dishes; there's always more! Lol. Love what you did. I'm sure you will find another fun quilt to do with what's left in that box. Enjoy! ;^)

  9. You did a great job. I love what you did with those scraps, it is a neat design.

  10. Love the quilt! So many wonderful scrappy blocks, and the amazing flying geese/pinwheel borders. And I laughed out loud when I saw how full the box STILL is. Maybe it's a magic spell that makes this happen?

  11. Cathy, your patriotic quilt is fabulous. I love it. What a great way to use those pieces!!

  12. I really love this quilt! I checked out your inspiration quilt and I love that one too, but the link to the pattern is dead. Did you draft your own pattern? It would be easy enough to figure out except for the flying geese border to fit properly.

  13. Gotta love boxes of scraps - this first quilt from the box is fabulous!!!

  14. What a bounty of goodies that box contained. So, any plans for the next quilt. I always like Ohio Stars... 12" size so it goes together fast!

  15. LOL!! I knew the answer to your question before you even asked it, Cathy. Those scraps multiply when we rummage through the box! On the plus side... You ended up with a really nice quilt top for your efforts. Next???

  16. You fluffed up the scraps while searching for the ones you wanted to use. I assure you, you ARE maki g progress there. Love the scrappy quilt!


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