
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

With Two Inch Squares

I recently received a couple of baggies of two inch squares. Plus I had a baggie full of my own. Yes, sir, yes, sir, three bags full. 

Decided I might as well do something with them. I'm not sure what the name of this six inch block happens to be but I was inspired by a quilt called Paper Chains at Wedding Dress Blue.

I really like making blocks with lots of smaller pieces. It is very soothing to me to watch the fabrics go by under the needle as I stitch them together. 

I've been trying to clean out my 2 inch width scrap bin for a couple of years so now between these blocks and a couple of others I have going as RSC projects I think I will be able to get the job finished sooner rather than (a couple of years) later. (Neutral 2 inch with scraps are in the plastic bag).

And sew on...


  1. What a great way to use up those scrappy squares! I love this and have drawn myself a little diagram to put into my drawer of 3" strips that need to be used up. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. Is this here a way to send you a few pictures of completed tops that you helped inspire?

  3. Your blocks are beautiful! I am a new follower.

  4. So cute! A brilliant use of 2” squares and 3.5” neutrals. Uh-oh, I feel a squirrel coming on…

  5. I like lots of smaller pieces too. I sometimes try to work big, but things never look quite right to me until I cut them down a bit.

  6. For some reason, I love little squares also. They take much longer than bigger pieces, but they make magic. Love the blocks you are making.

  7. How many are in a batch (=to press)?

  8. Wow I do not recognize that block. That quilt will be beautiful when you get it done.

  9. Another terrific block!
    I'm a big fan of little pieces, too. That probably explains why I admire the hell out of all your quilts!


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