
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Let's Have A Show Of Hands

My friends with the Sunshine Online Quilt Guild (SOQG) sent me flowers, cards, thoughts and prayers after the death of my granddaughter Kayla. To show their support some folks also sent me some handsome hands to hold. Oh, what fun! I will make them into a quilt as a remembrance of Kayla and to keep the loving support of my friends close at hand. 

I've got to hand it to them...they are a creative bunch!

I also received some Heart Blocks I will combine with the Hands. 

In my quilt I'll also use some of the scraps left over from making...



  1. I can see some great quilts coming out of those hands and hearts. When I was a public school art teacher, I had each grade trace and make hand art. One grade did painting, another pastels, one ink- and then the local McD's put them up on their walls and $1 donation took the hand home and the money went to the Children's Hospital. Love what your guild did for you!

  2. What a sweet, thoughtful gift!:)

  3. How wonderful - and such a great way to show long distance support! I can't wait to see how you put the hands and hearts together with your friendship quilt scraps. So much love in these photos, especially that last one.

  4. What thoughtful and creative friends. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Those hands and hearts blocks are such a lovely thought for you, reflecting your friends’s love and sadness as you grieve your huge loss.I expect you recognise who sewed each block as you recognise the colours and fabrics each friend would choose.

  6. What a beautiful thing for your friends to do! May you wrap yourself in their comfort.

  7. I did a hand quilt YEARS ago using tracings of my family members' hands. The ones that weren't close just traced their hand and sent it to me. I think I remember I only embellished the female hands. No clue where that quilt is but think I'd pass it along if I found it. I liked the way it turned out and it was strictly black and white. That was really sweet of your group to make all those for you.

  8. I loved seeing all those hand blocks and the sentiments that came with them <3

  9. "Some hands to hold". What a touching sentiment and lovely way to show their support. You'll make an amazing quilt from the hearts and hands.

  10. SEW sweet of your Sunshine Guild friends!! Hearts, hands, and the leftovers from the quilts for Kayla's friends will be a wonderful snuggle quilt for YOU, Cathy!

  11. Love, love, love those hand blocks!

  12. That was such a sweet and thoughtful gift. I am anxious to see what kind of design you come up with for your quilt.

  13. Girl!!! Loving the hands blocks!!! So personal and unique!!!! Can't wait to see what comes of these blocks plus the others. Quilters are the BEST!

  14. An incredibly thoughtful gift from your guild friends. This quilt will be filled with love.

  15. How very sweet!
    They will be hugging you always!!!

  16. That's very sweet. I'm glad you will be making them into a remembrance.

  17. So many good and thoughtful friends. You will treasure their loving gestures forever.

  18. Beautiful blocks... can't wait to see what you create!


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