
Saturday, December 18, 2021

Jots, Iotas, Smidgens and Whits

Jots, iotas, smidgens, whits, crumbs and matter what you call them they are itty bits of fabric. I want to concentrate on using them this year. I have some sorted by color; some sorted into cool and warm, black and white. Some are not sorted.   The ones that are sorted by color I hope to use in the Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month to make a few blocks. 

What I call crumbs are very small and usually irregular shaped scraps. I use those in some type of crumb block. The ones that are a little bigger and with straight edges are also crumbs but I use those in some sort of slab block. 

For crumb blocks I tried out some flower blocks that finish at 8 inches. I think I will continue with these next year. I used an old Block Lotto pattern called Violets to make the blocks. 

By the end of 2022 I hope to have a colorful garden of flowers. 

I'm thinking I make a couple more blocks with 4.5 inch crumb squares but have not finalized plans. More on that later. 

In 2020 I made a couple 12 inch Hourglass blocks from crumbs and a solid in a complementary color. I was going to make a lot more for a donation quilt but didn't have many solids so I could continue on. I think I may have a few solids or tone on tones to use now so hope to make more of these in 2022. And I hope I can find where I put these two. 

And I mentioned slabs earlier in this post. In 2019 I finished a slab quilt with heart I called Heartfelt. Now I think I will make another in 2022. 

In November I blogged about some of my other Rainbow Scrap Challenge (RSC) plans for 2022.  Now I will add the above to the list. 



  1. I should just wait and see what you are making before I choose something. I know I will want to make what you do LOL

  2. I love to play with itsy bitsy bits of fabric too. Love the violet block. It looks great. I might steal that idea, lol. I have so many blues that I'm sure I can get a garden or two. ;^)

  3. Great idea to use crumbs to make the squares for you Violet blocks. This will make an excellent RSC2022 project. Good luck finding the 2 rd and green blocks... looking for a needle in the Haystack? No doubt your tryout blocks are kept in an orderly filing system? Now going back to see what your other RSC ideas were.

  4. Love the jots etc. blocks! I'm always looking for something to do with those little pieces, and you always have great ideas!

  5. I love your crumb ideas, especially the flowers!

  6. Those crumb flowers look like pretty--great idea...
    hugs, Julierose

  7. I have quite a bit of red solid that I would be happy to send to you. Love those crumby hourglass blocks. (and your scrappy playfulness).

  8. My small fragment bits are starting to overwhelm me so I am going to steal your idea (as usual) and plant my own crumby seeds in the Rainbow Scrappy Community Garden.

  9. I really like the violets block! That should be a good one! I m still trying to decide on which blocks to concentrate on! So many choices.

  10. Those look like fun blocks to add to your RSC rotation, Cathy. Enjoy!

  11. Well, there you go again! As if you haven't already been inspiring enough!

  12. Just love crumb quilts. Your photos are wonderful!

  13. I am impressed that the yellow flower centers all come together. Well, of course I am impressed and inspired by making the violet blocks out of crumbs!

  14. what a great idea to use your fabrics this way. I checked your blog on the pieced hearts and they are so darling!


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