
Sunday, October 24, 2021

Valued Tops

Last year I cleaned out my 2.5 and 3.5 width scrap bins. One of the things I did when clearing the bins was cut 2.5 x 3.5 pieces.  I've also been cutting those pieces since then whenever I have scraps left over from other projects. They have been collecting in a shoe box and the box was full so I thought I should do something with them. Now I have about 10 little rectangles left in the shoe box and I'm not sure if I should start over again and fill the box or move on to something else.  

This one is 63 x 76. I intended for it to be 60 x 80 but somewhere along the line it ended up in other dimensions.  I webbed pieces together from the center out on each side and ended up with 21 instead of 20 pieces across. No worries. It's all good. 

For this one I took inspiration from Valued Quilt at Kitchen Table Quilting. 

Pieces are sorted into light, medium light, medium, medium dark and dark stacks. You know...I really had a problem figuring out the value of some of these little pieces so I sorted into three categories (light, medium, dark) and then after that I figured out medium lights and medium darks. And really I had fun looking at all the fabrics while I was sorting. 

I'm thinking I might just fill that little shoebox again with little rectangles 2.5 x 3.5 and make the other version of this that moves from dark scraps in the center out to lights at top and bottom. 

This one is 63 x 80 and the reason I started cutting the little 2.5  x 3.5 pieces. I was inspired by a scrap quilt at Blue Elephant Stitches. 

For this one I just had to sort light...



I cut, sorted and sewed and now I have a couple of "value added" tops!

(Now back to my string box).



  1. These are really neat--the movement from light to dark looks great--nice works hugs, Julierose

  2. Great use of scraps and pretty quilt tops.

  3. I have looked at the Blue Elephant Stitches version many times … BOTH of your tops are amazing!

  4. Both look great. You are so productive.

  5. Thanks for the pattern link, Cathy! Those quilt tops turned out beautifully.

  6. Thanks for the link. I think your tops are terrific! I'm always impressed with how you manage to clear a bin of scraps in so many different ways!

  7. Wow! This is scrap lover's heaven! I love just looking at all the little pieces. Congratulations on two great tops.

  8. Wow! I've been looking forward to seeing what you'd do with all those little rectangles - ever since you started cutting them. It was worth the wait! I love what you can do with a shoebox full of scraps!

  9. Oh I really love those tops ! So much inspiration! How many projects can
    I do at once!!! Stay safe and sew on !

  10. Those are so neat, Cathy! Great idea to cut and collect the 2.5 x 3.5 rectangles over time. I enjoyed looking at your inspiration quilts, too!

  11. Two lovely quilt tops. I’ve made a couple of quilts using rectangles sewn into columns and I love them. Yes, start filling up your shoe box again, Cathy!

  12. These are so much fun Cathy. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. These scraps do make lovely quilts! A great scrap project!

  14. LOVE these quilts! thye're really great- i'd say the light to dark (I like that one better) is def on my bucket list for some day...

  15. I could spend all day looking at all the fabrics in this quilt!!!! Isn't that what makes a scrap quilt so much fun!!!!!! Thanks for sharing!


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