
Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Kaleidoscope of Strings

String Kaleidoscope
60 x 80
It's a flimsy!

I chose a red kind of textured looking fabric for the background and stayed with a primary color scheme and chose yellow and blue for the block corners. I wanted to use all polka dots and stripes for the corners but I didn't have that many polka dots or stripes in blue or yellow so made do with what I had on hand in the scrap bins. 

I'll probably big stitch hand quilt with black perle cotton through the red sections and am thinking of sewing in red buttons where the four corners of the blocks meet. I have a big collection of buttons so might as well use some. 

I probably should not have included any red solids in the wedges but what is done is done. I'm thinking they won't look so weird after the quilting is added. 

My question now is - do you think this needs a border? A piano key type border made of strings? I usually don't add borders to my quilts for a number of reasons but I do have some strings left. 
My inspiration photo has the type of border I'm thinking...just THINKING...about. I really don't want to make a border. What do you think? Should I? I'm kind of tired of playing in the strings right now. 

By the way, my inspiration photo is from the book Material Obsession 2 and the pattern is by Kathy Doughty. I have the book but did not follow her pattern instructions or even look at them. I've made several different kaleidoscope quilts and so just did my own thing. 

Well, I did mention I'm tired of working with my strings now. I did reduce the colored strings to one medium flat rate box of shorter strings and... large flat rate box of longer strings.   I was thinking of making a coin quilt with what is left. But then I thought if I was going to make a coin quilt I might as well add borders to the kaleidoscope quilt since that would be like making a coin quilt. And then, like I said...I'm tired of playing with strings for now. 

To border or not to border....that is the question. 



  1. I don’t make a lot of borders so I would say no border. If you’re tired of strings, just shove them on one side for now and do something completely different! Grandmother’s Garden? Appliqué?

  2. I love piano key borders. In this case I don't think it works. It is busy added to an already busy quilt. But that is my opinion and lots of people have ignored my opinion and ended up with absolutely gorgeous quilts that I love.

  3. I feel like I just blinked and you had this top done! Wow!
    I always prefer borders on quilts - like frames on a painting. How about a border like I put on my Flutterby?

  4. I would only add a border if you want to make it larger. It is pretty just the way it is.

  5. That's a pretty design and a good way to use up scraps. If you don't feel like adding a border, don't! That's the nice thing about quilting, you can do what you like.

  6. I vote for NO border. Let those remaining strings marinate for a while - they'll find a use soon enough.

  7. WOW! This quilt is really gorgeous! I absolutely LOVE it. As for borders, It is your quilt so do what you want. Don't want a border, then don't add it. It looks great like it is. Do something new and different. Those strings will still be thee when you get ready to work with them again.

  8. It’s great as is or with more borders added. It’s lovely

  9. I really do love this quilt, and I NEED one for myself, especially with the red. This type of quilt really doesn't need borders. It looks good just like it is. And if you are sick of strings then stop right where you are. It should be fun, not like work.

  10. Another thought about you being tired of dealing with your pile of strings. I bet you still have loads of Happy Blocks in your stash.... how about using some of those to make a quilt? You will enjoy sorting through them I’m sure. ��

  11. It looks great. I like the idea of the string borders. I think a plain border would detract from it and a string border will compliment it.

  12. Another great string-y quilt top, Cathy!! To answer your question... Border if you want the quilt bigger. Border if your want to use those remaining strings without making another quilt. My personal preference is no border on this style of string quilt.

  13. This is gorgeous - my opinion - no borders. Because you used Red as the background I think any border would distract from the boldness of it... just my opinion tho!!!

  14. I’ve been thinking of you as I spent the last 3 days sorting strings and strips from QFK. Now to get started sewing! I don’t think that border adds a thing to KD’s quilt, so I wouldn’t bother if I were you.

  15. For what its worth, I'm a hard no on the border. When I first saw the quilt in the book, it made no impression on me. It wasn't until you showed it on your blog that I saw the wonderful potential of the interior. And the variety, fun and speed of your runaway string quilt train has been amazing to watch.

  16. I think it's a good size as is, no border needed.
    But it is your choice to do as you wish.
    It is a beauty!

  17. If you want a border and have enough fabric left, why not a red or other solid color border? I think any other kind of border would be too busy. I don't think the demonstration quilt gains anything other than being TOO busy from it's border.


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