
Sunday, October 4, 2020

What Will Be in the Hoop

 This (Wagon Wheels) is what will be in the hoop for hand quilting as soon as I finish crawling around on the floor to pin baste. I plan on stitching with thread from that  bag of perle #8 and maybe some #12 and other odd bits. I need to untangle a bunch of it and figure out a better system for storage moving forward. I think I have a tin of it that needs untangling too. 


  1. Oh my, your Wagon Wheels are looking gloriously happy! Such a bright and beautiful quilt. I too, have a muddly mess of tangled threads which will take an age to unravel. Enjoy your quilting!

  2. Wagon Wheels is a beauty! Hope the untangling goes well. Happy stitching!

  3. This one looks like it will be fun to quilt. I look forward to seeing what designs you choose. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  4. I am looking forward to seeing your quilting

  5. Your wagon wheels are beautiful! I love the bright cheerful colors. ---"Love"

  6. Lots of lovely colourful wagonwheels there for you to hand quilt.

  7. Crawling around on the floor? I do NOT miss that (since I got my long arm quilting machine!!)

  8. Oh, my knees hurt just thinking about that crawling! Argh!
    (I basted my last couple of quilts on our big long dining table. The only drawback is that the table is the catch-all for everything in the house and it can take forEVER to get it cleared off...)

  9. I am new to hand quilting. I thought that the quilt had to be thread basted rather than pin basted?


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