
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Wednesday Wandering: Seeds

Trumpet Vine seed pods. I cut these away as soon as they form. I planted one Trumpet Vine cutting about fifteen years ago to attract hummingbirds and now I consider the Trumpet Vine a noxious weed sprouting up here and there and strangling everything in sight. This summer I spent one day a week digging or cutting Trumpet Vine out of the flower garden.  I must say, though, that the flowers do attract hummingbirds. 

Some seeds I eat like Black Turtle Beans, Painted Pony Beans, Jacob's Cattle Beans and...

...Christmas Lima Beans. 

I let the Phlox seeds plant themselves where they want. 

Blackberry Lily seeds. A friend sent me some of these seeds a couple of years ago. This is the first my lilies produced their own seeds.  I'm going to experiment with them and plant some outside and then later in the year when I start my winter sown seeds I'll start some in containers. 

Echinacea or Purple Coneflower. The goldfinch sit on the plants and eat the seeds but do leave some for me. I need to start a few more plants. The flower garden used to be full of Purple Coneflower that grew wild but the plants have faded away over the years. I am starting a native wildflower area and will start a bunch of these seeds early in the year for that area.  I'm also going to sprinkle seeds here and there in that area. 

Datura spiky seed pods. They reseed themselves here and there in the veggie garden every year and I leave a few plants but pull out the rest. The flowers are pretty white trumpets but those seed pods are sure prickly and sometimes referred to as Devil's Balls. 

 I have saved Zinnia seeds for years. My husband thought he would help me out and harvest some Zinnia seeds but these weren't quite ready, darn it. 

One seed
can start a garden
One drop 
can start a sea
One doubt
can start a hating
One dream 
can set us free. 
----Joan Walsh Anglund


  1. I love seed pods (and collect some unusual ones) so this was a delightful post. I've always wanted a trumpet vine... until now, since I know they are prolific self-sowers. The Dakura seed pods definitely look wicked.

  2. I never knew a lot of what you showed in this blog; quite interesting. Sunflowers in my rose garden are such pests! However, since my roses are old and in bad shape this year because I couldn't go out and 'pet' them, it has been fun watching the birds go to the sunflowers out my sunroom windows. I guess now I should call that area my "Sunflower Garden". They will be the devil to get rid of there I'm sure! ---"Love"

  3. I don't seem to have any luck scattering seeds but a lot of things plant themselves and usually near a rock where it is sheltered. It makes me thing I sprinkle seeds where I want the plants and then place rocks about 4" apart all over the area.

  4. Ah, Datura. A "friend" gave me some seed a few years ago and I've been pulling almost all of them up every year since (Yes, she's still my friend.) Then there's the larkspur which has finally become a pest and I have to ruthlessly uproot as much as I can next spring. I had marigolds self-seed this yea,r although the seed fell too close to the edge of the area. So I'm saving some seed heads to plant where I'd like them to be (haha). Haven't tried to save zinnias. I had one self seed so maybe I should try them, too. Also have Love in the Mist, another pesty one. Then there's the forget-me-nots. I do want to try to get some of the butterfly weed seeds to plant in a different area, but so far only two pods have opened. I haven't checked them this week, so I hope they didn't all pop at once and get away. Of course, I always have good intentions, just don't always get to implementation.

  5. I'm envious of all your plants. I did get some beans but not many. The squash was good. None of my flowers came up this year. I do not have a green thumb. Wish I did though.

  6. I really enjoyed reading your Seed Post. Many new plants to me. Obviously all sorts of plants do well in your garden - too well, some of them!

  7. Thanks for the pics! In my neighborhood someone is deliberately growing datura in their garden. After reading about its' uses I won't ask them why...

  8. I thought the trumpet vine was poisonous?

  9. I let everything grow in my gardens, weeds, flowers" whatever. I figure if its coming up green it has a will to live and should have a chance! We have such a short growing season-flowers come to bud but don't get to open so I let them go. It makes for a very natural looking space. Not everyone's taste but works for me. :)


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