
Friday, October 30, 2020

Lil' Cowpokes and Lil' Cowgirls- Three Finishes

I have three finishes this week. 

I started the quilts back in February when I purchased some Michael Miller Lil' Cowgirls fabric for $3 per yard at Hobby Lobby. I figured it would make nice backings for donation quilts and I knew I had some odds and ends of bandana and cowpoke fabrics at home including another Michael Miller fabric - Lil' Cowpokes.  I finished the tops back in March . I also made a Strippie quilt  and paired it up with some backing but decided not to quilt it at this time because I may use both the Strippie top and backing as backings at some future date since I'm always short on backings and have quite a stack of tops that need quilting. 

I decided to get them quilted so I could use up some bits and pieces of batting. Normally I sew batting pieces together by butting the pieces up next to each other and then sew together with a wide zig zag stitch.  Sometimes while quilting my needle hits the joined area and has fits so this time I just decided to butt the pieces together and overlap a tiny bit while pin basting. I think I will do that from now on because I had no problems with quilting any of these three. 

Happy Cowpokes
40 x 60

I had a partial set of Cowpoke themed Happy Blocks in my Happy Place (box of various partial themed Happy Blocks) and some 6.5 inch center squares already cut to make a few more. 

I used to participate in a variety of Happy Block swaps with numerous groups back in the day. For this swap we sent around 10 centers to everyone in our little group. The centers were bordered with 2.5 inch strips and sent back. We then had a set of Happy Blocks framed in quite a variety of fabrics.  

Happy Blocks are a quick and easy way to use novelty fabrics and make nice quilts for kids or adults depending upon the fabrics used. They can be made with any size center and sides depending upon what is on hand. 

I used to also swap novelty or I Spy squares in a variety of sizes.  Since I was short a few Happy Blocks for a quilt I dug through my I Spy squares looking for squares I could use to add to the mix. 

I quilted all of these with some lassoes. 

Wild horses are on the back. This quilt will go to Quilts Beyond Borders.  They provide quilts to children in underserved areas of the world and have both international and domestic initiatives. 

Lil' Cowpokes
42 x 56

I mentioned I had some 6.5 inch squares of I Spy fabrics and so used them as starter to make this quilt. 

I made 6 inch finished Hourglass blocks as alternate blocks. 

I used that discounted Lil' Cowgirl fabric on the back.  

Lil' Cowpokes
40 x 56

I made some 12 inch finished Sawtooth Stars to use up bits and pieces of bandana prints. 

The centers were cut from a little pieces of Lil' Cowpoke fabric and I think that's the last of it. 

 And again I used that deeply discounted Lil' Cowgirl fabric on the back. 

These last two quilts may be donated too but I'm going to keep them on hand for a little while. I have 31 nieces and nephews (that's not counting niece and nephew spouses) and so there's always a new arrival that needs a quilt or a grandparent that needs a quilt for when baby visits.


  1. Three fabulous quilts. You have used your Cowpoke fabric very inventively. They make you smile.

  2. great quilts! and a great buy! I would have brought the fabric too at $3 a yard!

  3. Three fun quilts that have me itching to dig through my overflowing bin of western prints. Thank you for the inspiration - we ranch and there is always a need for cute cowboy quilts.

  4. Three happy finishes and the fun 30's ribbons from yesterday. What a busy week you've had. And I see evidence that winter has made an early visit. We are due for a killing frost tonight and I'm really ready for the garden to go to sleep. Every time I see on of your happy blocks quilts, it reminds me that I should make a bunch to have on hand instead of digging through tons of fabric every time I need a kids quilt.

  5. Oh such adorable finishes--love how you set those cowboy and cowgirl fussy cuts...great works hugs, Julierose

  6. Definitely very fun finishes, the little cowpokes fabrics are so cute. Ive discovered too the value of keeping a couple extra quilts on hand for young overnight visitors or just to wrap up in while spending a sick day in the recliner.

  7. I just knew you would show more finishes today! All of them are adorable! You know I'm sure that I used some of those same fabrics in the quilts for my grandsons and great grandson. Yours will be much loved by someone too. ---"Love"

  8. These cowgirl quilts turned out so very cute!!

  9. What a lovely trip of quilts you have made. I must remember your happy block idea when making donation quilts such a great way to use up novelty fabric.

  10. Very cute quilts! But wait...31 nieces and nephews??? OMG!! (

  11. Oh you’ve given me some ideas on using my gingham!

  12. Great quilts. I am glad I didn’t see that fabric for $3. I probably would have bought all of it! LOL

  13. Super cute Western-themed quilt finishes, Cathy!!

  14. Such fun little quilts! I really like the lasso quilting and that wild horse backing. Good horse fabrics are hard to find! I've also just been slightly overlapping my batting while basting. I ran out of the iron-on tape that I usually use to hold batting together. But if the quilting is dense enough, the "loose" batting seems to do just fine. Glad to hear I'm not the only one trying different Frankenbatting techniques :)

  15. THREE projects finished in one week! That is great! Enjoyed looking over your pretty little quilts. Nice work. Thanks for sharing.

  16. these three are fabulous!! I was going to try to pick a favorite but I can't!! they are all three so adorable!!

  17. I love these cowpoke fabrics. I have a small amount of yardage that I've had for a few years. You inspire me to use it - no point in saving it any longer. Adorable quilts!


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