
Thursday, October 22, 2020

'30s Thursday

Plodding along between other projects and making Economy Blocks from '30s reproduction scraps.  Not sure how many I will make yet. These originally started as a way to use some 3.5 inch scraps that are the centers. The two rounds on the sides (3 and 4 inch squares cut on diagonals) are cut from small chunks of '30s scraps. 

 Also in between other projects working on Little Baskets and Hollow Nine Patches. The waste triangles in the little baskets are cut from Indian Hatchet block corners and the Indian Hatchet blocks were made from leftovers from Churn Dashes.  So far the Hollow Nines 2 inch squares have come from the 2 inch scrap bin. I've been using muslin bits and pieces for the basket backgrounds and the "hollow".  These blocks finish at 4.5 inches. 

I've been in twin quilt mode for donation or gifts this year so these probably will end up that size. Time will tell. 


  1. You do such a good job of using ALL of your scraps!

  2. Those are going to be SEW super cute!!!

  3. I am enjoying seeing what you do with the 30’s fabric

  4. Just loving those Economy blocks in the 30's fabrics--put together like that they look like Liberty Lawn prints. They are just favorite kind of scrappiness...great work hugs, julierose


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