
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Good Grief, Girl! What Is All That Stuff On Your Cutting Mat? (Table Scraps Part I)

 Ok. My cutting mat is on a small wooden table about the size of a card table. When it gets to the point where the table is piled high and  I only have a 9 x 15 inch space or so left to use of my 18 x 24 inch cutting mat it is time to do something.  First I put away all the big pieces of fabric and the chunks. Then I sorted out the bigger and longer  pieces that were in sizes I save in bins which happens to be widths of 4.5, 3.5, 2.5, 2 and 1.5 as you see in the flat above.  I also sorted out some strings that didn't fit into any of those categories and/or were wonky and threw them into the string box.  There's still a big pile of stuff left to sort through as you can see in the background but I'll get to that later.   
 I started with the 3.5 inch scraps from the table...
 ...and the bin of 3.5 inch scraps.  

I've been trying to clean out those bins too. So I worked those scraps. It's an easy thing to pick up and put down in between garden work. 
 The bin of 3.5 inch scraps and the table scraps now have a purpose. 
 First  I assessed what UFOs I have that use 3.5 inch scraps. Six inch Broken Dishes is one of those UFOs I've worked on off and on over the years sometimes as a Rainbow Scrap Challenge Project and sometimes when I had some leftover HSTs. I found that I had 86 blocks. I've been trying to make at least twin sized quilts this year - most to be donated locally - so I figured a quilt with blocks with a 10 x 13 layout would make a nice sized 60 x 78 quilt.   So, I got out my Easy Angle ruler and paired up some of the 3.5 inch scraps and cut enough HSTs for 44 more blocks. 

I've already started sewing those HSTs together in between other projects.  I throw them in a little basket after ironing and trim the dog ears at night while watching TV with hubby. I don't really ever do any squaring up. 

 Wishing Rings that finish at 3.5 inches is another block I've been making from 3.5 inch scraps. I cut the two inch center and four 1.5 inch corners from a 3.5 inch scrap... this - one two inch cut and two 1.5 inch cuts. That leaves an extra pile of 1.5 inch squares that I've been using to make Plus Postage blocks.  Those tiny rectangle pieces are the only waste which is not waste around here because it goes into the flower garden path or compost pile. 

I cut enough centers and sides for 45 dark corner blocks and 25 light corner blocks. (Later I'll cut the side pieces from 1.5 inch scraps). 

After all that cutting for Broken Dishes and Wishing Rings I put all the 3.5 inch strips that were longer than two 3.5 inch squares back into the 3.5 inch scrap bin. Not sure what I will do with those right now. 

 Next I cut a big pile of 3.5 inch squares.  Use to be determined later...

...for now I added them to my new bin of various sized squares. I need to get more baggies to separate the sizes better but for now the new pile of 3.5 inch squares is in the corner there. 
 The rest of the 3.5 inch scraps I cut into 3.5 x 2.5 pieces for a future scrappy quilt to make like I saw at Blue Elephant Stitches. 

Any pieces left that were more than an inch wide were sorted into piles by color...
...and sewn into strips to be used in a Chinese Coin quilt someday along with strips of other sizes. 
 I've been making the strips for over a year so I'll probably have enough to make a big Chinese Coins quilt at the end of this year. 

 Next I tackled the 1.5 inch strips I found on the table as well as some from the 1.5 inch scrap bin...
 ...and I cut those sides for the Wishing Rings - two 1.5 x 2 pieces and two 1.5 x 4 pieces. 

 Now I have all the pieces cut for 45 Wishing Rings with dark corners and 25 Wishing Rings with light corners. 

The rest of the 1.5 inch scraps went into the 1.5 inch scrap bin. After I finish making my Plus Postage blocks I will probably cut all of the 1.5 inch scraps in the bin into squares or make a Lego quilt or something. For now I'm just glad they are in a bin and not on my cutting mat. 

Stay tuned for more table scraps. I still have 2, 2.5, and 4.5 inch scraps left in that cardboard flat and in bins to deal with as well as that big crumby pile on the table. 


  1. Your post reminds me I need to do the same thing with my cutting table! You're very organized with your system!

  2. GO Cathy GO! Sorting and preparing scraps this way feels so good as you clear away the muddle -- and you will be even more productive going forward.

  3. Look at all those lovely scraps! I want to pet them all.

    Thanks for linking up with Oh Scrap!

  4. Nice job cleaning up that scrappy mess!! I did a little of that yesterday, but ended up with a new mini quilt instead of a clean table and organized scraps. Oops!

  5. i do believe this is scrap sunday! every where i read blogs and emails, people are working with on!

  6. Thanks its nice to understand how someone else organises their scraps, as they seem to get out of control so quickly at my place!

  7. My goodness, what a huge pile of scraps and what an amazing amount of cutting and sorting. Your brain system creates a filing cabinet of organised scraps. Wow!

  8. My cutting mat has that same shrinking problem... I'll have to follow your lead and see if I can get it back to its real size!
    I cut pieces for multiple quilts at a time, but I'm nowhere NEAR as organized as you!

  9. I thought that I was the only one who uses a small space on my cutting mat due to too many fabric pieces! You are so organized with your scraps though! I could be more organized if I had more space. My fabric has almost taken over my whole apartment.

  10. Loved reading about your scrap cutting and organizing process! Thanks for sharing! I am going to check out Blue Elephant Stitches, too! :)

  11. I enjoyed reading about your system! The big rainbow pile of coins is very appealing. How can you resist plunging into those and working on that next? :)

  12. I should be paying close attention and taking lessons on how you handle your scraps and then come up with such pretty quilts. Instead, I just keep piling more scraps in a bin until I have to get another bin! I don't think I've ever really sorted a full bin of scraps, and I sure have a lot of bins to go through someday! Bur not this week! ---"Love"

  13. Way to go!! Love your method for sorting and reducing your scraps, great organization!

  14. I am surprised when I realize how small my actual cutting space is, and, like you, realize it needs a good cleaning of scraps. I guess I am a thrower while I am cutting on a project.

  15. Last evening as I was wrapping things up -- and contemplating my blog post for this morning -- I reflected on the huge mess on my cutting table. My style, ordinarily, is to keep things picked up, but my Shelter in Place houses require a great variety........Thanks for the photographic evidence of how you deal with "active scraps." I envy your ability to keep multiple projects on the stove at one time.

  16. Wow! That's quite the system for leaving no scrap unturned!! I see a glimmer of why you are so productive!! Would that I could get soooo much done! It's very inspiring! take care!

  17. I’m tired from just reading this post!! I really need to do something similar!

  18. Cathy- I love your process and how you've figured out blocks to make with your scrap bits. Thank You

    Do you have a favorite usable scrap size I should cut my left overs at? I'm Looking for a tried and true means of controlling my scrap beasts.

    I've cut 1.5", 2", 3.5", 5" squares, as well as strips into a several sized widths categories and then strings for those patterns. Besides I've just thrown in leftover project parts into bagged color categories to cut when I get a direction of another pattern.... Interestingly enough I've also taken Joan Ford's class on controlling/using up the scraps and have some of her sizes cut/stored to make her patterns as well as the ones in her books. I wish there was a domain like quilters cache that was a user friendly symposium to control and use up scraps. Wising out loud here.


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