
Sunday, March 29, 2020

The Plot and The Pile Thickens

The plot? 

I've been making my blocks from rose themed scraps if possible. Otherwise I cut into rose themed yardage. I few in a few butterfly themed scraps too.  

The pile?

We are on day 9 of the mystery and I'm all caught up on blocks through today. I think that is a pile of 76 blocks.  


  1. Lovely! I'm staying caught up also :)

  2. Wow! Great idea for a theme. I've been thinking about making this mystery, but at this point I am very far behind. Good job keeping these caught up!

  3. Loving the idea of a rose theme quilt as opposed to focusing on color/value. I know I’ve said this before but I’m truly amazed with people’s creativity. Lol, I know that people are very creative. What I’m referring to may be better explained with a word picture. I know that I’ll see daffodils pop up here in Maine in a few weeks. But, I’m always ‘amazed’ with I see my first one. I get the same joy when I hear my first songbird in the spring. That was a few weeks ago. And when I hear my first spring peepers. I still have that joyful event to look forward to, but should happen fairly soon.

    So, as my Grandma Knowles would have said, I’m ‘tickled pink’ hearing about your mystery quilt and seeing the pictures. Love this blog as its always packed full with wonderful nuggets and treats. Thank you soooo much for thanking the time to share so much joy with the rest of us quilters. Much appreciated.

  4. Nice job on keeping up with the Mystery!! Your quilt is going to be SEW sweet when it's done.

  5. That looks like the perfect use of your rose fabrics! I'll enjoy seeing what develops!

  6. Your blocks are luscious! I've been watching that mystery unfold (and downloading all the patterns because *surely* I'll get around to this someday(!)) but she's going way too fast for me. Thanks for letting me live vicariously through you!

  7. Those are looking really nice together. Congratulations on keeping up with it.

  8. Wow, you're way ahead of me, but that's really no surprise. I am just finishing up step 4 - the Ohio Stars, but I am really enjoying this mystery. It was a good idea to use rose print fabrics as it will be so springlike and summery. I had a layer cake of Three Sisters Victoria that I had been saving for something special, but am using it as my color scheme and pulling fabrics from my stash and fat quarters. I don't have all of the perfect colors and shades but I like how it looks so far and I am loving the design of the quilt. Although I've always admired her quilts, I've never made one of them before. I like the way she is showing the layout as we go along. It's a little easier making fabric choices as I go. Did you hear what Blueprint (Craftsy) is doing? Through April 9th you can view any and all of their classes for free! All you need to do, if you haven't already, is create a password to sign in.

  9. The Plot is definitely thickening and the Pile is definitely growing! Watch out for those rose thorns!

  10. I prefer to make quilts that don't look so much like another person's quilt that it might be difficult to tell which is yours. So in other words, I am LOVING your interpretation of her quilt tutorial!

  11. Your beautiful rose fabrics always attract me. None in my stash so I live vicariously through yours. I will visit the mystery quilt website, too. Thanks.


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