
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

OMG (One Monthly Goal)

For a variety of reasons I've not been able to spend much time at the sewing machine. And I don't even have a quilt in the hoop for hand quilting.   Hope that changes soon and I'm back sewing and hand quilting. Just thought I'd make a quick post to declare my December OMG (One Monthly Goal).  The goal is to get a top (or flimsy, if you prefer) assembled consisting of 35 Kansas Troubles blocks.  


  1. A good goal for the holidays.

  2. Hope you're OK. Not used to so little activity in your little world.

  3. Good to hear from you - I was starting to worry...
    That looks like a doable goal for this time of year. Easy Does It can be the best plan.

  4. Beautiful blocks in the photo today -- hope things sort themselves out so you can get to your stitching!

  5. If you've set a goal, I'm sure you'll get there. Sending good vibes your way.

  6. Enjoy finding some time to complete your December OMG.

  7. That is going to make a nice quilt. Love the fabrics.

  8. I was wondering where you were. So glad to see you back here. I hope everything is ok. I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt finished.

  9. I love the background fabric. So interesting........ This is always such a busy time of the year for most everyone. Especially with Thanksgiving so late, December just snuck up on me. Happy quilting and take care of yourself.

  10. I just can't set firm goals. I'm good at VAGUE goals. Like I want to have this or that done by some far off date, lol. My life does not cooperate with firm goals. I think that is because I lived by deadlines in my working career. Since I have been retired i am all too reluctant to do goal setting short of making a list.
    Merry Christmas
    xx, Carol

  11. Lack of sewing time sounds like Iowa Troubles! I hope they pass quickly and you can get back into the stitching groove :)

  12. Cathy, normally you are a one-woman quilting machine putting the rest of us to shame! Hope you can get back to it soon, but if anyone deserves the time off, it would be you.:)

  13. Great goal! Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.

  14. Great block, You Sew Girl!!! cheers!


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